Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option Referências técnicas

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The Script_Cross_Reference.LocalID field indicates the script object that references the target.
The Script_Cross_Reference.ForeignKey indicates the specific configuration record referenced.
Termination Call Detail: Call Disposition and CallDispositionFlag Fields
 has two fields that provide details on why the
call was considered handled, abandoned, and so forth.
The Call Disposition field gives the final disposition of call (or how the call terminated).
1 = Abandoned in Network
In ICM, indicates the call was abandoned, or dropped, before being terminated at a target
device (for instance, an ACD, IVR, Desklink, etc.).
In IPCC Enterprise, indicates that the call was routed to an agent but it never arrived or
arrived after the PIM reservation timed-out. (The default timeout is 7 seconds.) An agent
will be set to Not Ready if it misses two consecutive routed calls, Peripheral Call Type will
normally be two, and the Call Type ID and Network Target ID will be filled in.
In Outbound Option, this result code indicates customer phone not in service.
2 = Abandoned in Local Queue
In ICM, indicates the call was abandoned in the ACD queue while queued to an ACD
answering resources (for instance, a skill group, voice port, trunk, etc.)
Does not apply to IPCC Enterprise.
In Outbound Option, this result code indicates an outbound call was abandoned either by
the customer or dialer.
3 = Abandoned Ring
In ICM, indicates the call was abandoned while ringing at a device. For example, the caller
did not wait for the call to be answered but hung up while the call was ringing.
In IPCC Enterprise, indicates that the caller hung up while phone was ringing at the agent
4 = Abandoned Delay
In ICM, indicates the call was abandoned without having been answered but not while ringing
or in a queue. Typically, a call marked Abandoned Delay was delayed due to switch
processing. Because of the delay, the caller ended up dropping the call before it could be
In IPCC Enterprise, indicates that the destination was not connected when the call terminated.
This might mean that:
The agent logged out
Database Schema Handbook Cisco ICM/IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions 7.2(2)
Chapter 4: Field Values
Termination Call Detail: Call Disposition and CallDispositionFlag Fields