Cisco Cisco IPCC Web Option Guia Da Instalação

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Wizard Page: Database Settings
If the machine you are currently configuring includes a Central Controller or Administration &
WebView Reporting, the next page to display prompts you for IPCC database maintenance
IPCC can initiate a purge process on the Central Controller and Administration & WebView
Reporting machine according to a set schedule. The purge process deletes records that are older
than a specified number of days. By default, the purge process runs each night at 12:30 A.M.
On the Database Settings page, accept the default value or complete the following:
Step 1
In Database Purge Schedule, indicate the time and days on which you want the purge job to
Step 2
Click Next.
Step 3
Click Finish. The machine you are working with will now be configured and the appropriate
services started on it. When that process is complete, the Wizard prompts you to configure the
next machine in your deployment.
Re-Accessing and Disabling the Deployment Wizard
The Deployment Wizard displays automatically the first time you access the IPCC Web
Administration Tool after installing IPCC. It continues to display in the Web Administration
Tool until every machine in your deployment has been configured. After that, it never displays.
Until then, you can also access it by clicking the Run Deployment Wizard button on the Machines
Experienced users, familiar with the configuration requirements for each IPCC machine type,
may prefer to configure machines independent of the Deployment Wizard. To allow this, the
first screen of the Deployment Wizard includes a Disable Deployment Wizard check box.
Checking this box permanently disables the Deployment Wizard. There is also a Disable
Deployment Wizard button on the Machines page. Choose carefully when selecting this
option--once selected, the Deployment Wizard is permanently unavailable. The button on the
Machines page that can be used to access it after initial configuration no longer appears.
Installation and Configuration Guide Cisco Unified System Contact Center Enterprise 7.5(1)
Chapter 10: Initial Configuration and Deployment Wizard
Re-Accessing and Disabling the Deployment Wizard