Apple powermac g3 blue.white Manual Do Serviço
Sound - 35
The Burgundy IC provides the stereo sound output to both
the internal speakers and the sound output jack. The sound
output jack has the following electrical characteristics:
• output sound signal to noise ratio (SNR) <90 dB
unweighted (typical) when sound playback is from
system hard disk drive or main memory
• output sound SNR <80 dB unweighted (nominal) when
playback is from CD
• overall output sound SNR <90 dB unweighted (typical)
Sound Input
The Power Macintosh G3 computer provides a stereo sound
input jack on the back of the enclosure for connecting an
external PlainTalk microphone or other sound source. The
sound input jack accepts a standard 3.5-mm stereophonic
phone plug (two signals plus ground).