Access virus c Manual Do Utilizador

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The Modulation Matrix and Soft Knobs
so-called ASSIGN units, which are accessed
from within the LFOS/MOD section by pressing
the SELECT button and then the entry “MOD”.
Each of the the six ASSIGN units can be used
to route a modulation source to one or more
modulation destinations. Select one of the
available modulation sources (under SOURCE)
and one or several of the available destinations
(DESTINATION). Each destinations has an mod-
ulation intensity parameter (AMOUNT). To main-
tain compatibility with earlier Virus models,
ASSIGN 2 has two destinations and ASSIGN 3
has three (each with independent AMOUNTs).
ASSIGNS 4 to 6 have only a single modulation
destination each.
These ASSIGN options serve several purposes:
for one, they let you assign an external MIDI
controller, for example, the keyboard’s modula-
tion wheel, to the desired parameter. You can
also chose to use the sound generator’s internal
modulators, such as LFOs and envelopes, as
modulation sources. The control range of the
source may be limited via the AMOUNT values
or inverted so that the modulation occurs strict-
ly within the desired value range for the target
parameter. For your target parameters, you can
chose from among virtually all sound parame-
ters that feature an infinitely variable control
range – ergo, you have more than 100 modula-
tion destinations at your disposal!  Since the
sources and destinations may be selected inde-
pendently, you may even modulate a single pa-
rameter by using up to six modulation sources
simultaneously. For this purpose, the control
signals of the modulation sources are added up
or overlapped. Conversely, you can also modu-
late up to nine parameters with just one control-
ler, which gives you all kinds of sophisticated
sound morphing options. For this purpose, se-
lect the same source for all six ASSIGN options
so that it modulates all nine possible destina-
tions. This lets you radically reshape sounds
and even transform or morph them into entirely
different sounds.
In addition to the six ASSIGN options, the user
interface features – as discussed earlier – a
modulation destination for LFO 1 and 2 called
ASSIGN. Here the same principle applies: you
can select a modulation destination and vary
modulation intensity as you see fit. The only dif-
ference here is that the modulation source, i.e.
the respective LFO, is a fixed default that you
can’t change.
 Source      OFF≤   
You’ll find a list of available sources and
The VIRUS has two freely assignable potenti-
ometers which are particularly useful for giving
direct access to parameters which are other-
wise only available from within the menus. The
destination parameters are defined in the Edit
menu (SOFT KNOB 1/2 MODE). There are two
parameters for each knob, one global and one
local i.e. applying only to the current SINGLE
program (which will override the global defini-
tion if defined). SOFT KNOBs always work in
JUMP mode. SOFT KNOB 2 doubles as a value
control, and therefore only works as a SOFT
KNOB when the Virus is in Play mode i.e. no
Edit menu is selected.