Adobe illustrator 10 Manual Do Utilizador

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Adobe Illustrator Help
To create a flare using default settings:
Select the flare tool  .
Press Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS), and click where you want the flare to appear.
To create a flare using the Flare Options dialog box:
Select the flare tool, and click where you want the flare to appear.
Specify the options you want in the Flare Options dialog box, and click OK. 
To reset a flare to the default values:
Select the flare, and double-click the flare tool icon to open the Flare Options 
dialog box.
Hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS), and click Reset.
To draw a flare:
Select the flare tool.
Click to place the center handle of the flare. Then drag to set the size of the center, 
the size of the halo, and to rotate the angle of the rays.
Before releasing the mouse, do any of the following:
Press Shift to constrain the rays to a set angle.
Press Up Arrow to add rings.
Press Down Arrow to remove rings.
Press Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac OS) as you drag to hold the center of the flare 
Press Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac OS) as you drag to hold the center of the flare 
Press ~ (tilde) as you drag to redraw the rings in a different random arrangement.
Each element (center, halo, rings, and rays) in the flare is filled with color at different 
opacity settings. 
To edit a flare:
Do any of the following:
Select the flare, and double-click the flare tool icon to open the Flare Options dialog 
box. Change settings in the dialog box.
Select the flare and the flare tool. Drag an end point—from either the center handle or 
the end handle—to change the length or direction of the flare.
Select the flare, and choose Object > Expand. This makes the elements of the flare 
editable, like elements of blends.
To specify flare tool options:
Double-click the flare tool.
Specify the overall diameter, opacity, and brightness of the flare’s center:
Specify the Growth of the halo as a percentage of the overall size, and specify the 
fuzziness (0 is crisp and 100 is fuzzy) of the halo.