Adobe acrobat reader 7.0 Manual Do Utilizador

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Determining the trust level of a certificate
You can change the trust settings of a certificate. For example, if you have confidence in a 
certificate you received from someone else, you can change the settings so that you 
explicitly trust digital signatures and certified documents created with this certificate, and 
you can even trust a certified document's dynamic content and embedded JavaScript. 
To change the trust level of a certificate:
1.  Choose Document > Trusted Identities.
2.  Select the contact on the left, and click Details.
3.  Select the name on the left, and click Edit Trust.
4.  In the Trust Settings tab, select any of the following items to trust this certificate for:
Signatures And As a Trusted Root. 
Certified Documents. Trusts documents in which the author has certified the document 
with an author signature.
Dynamic Content. Trusts buttons, links, movies, and other dynamic elements.
Embedded High Privilege JavaScript. Trusts embedded scripts.
5.  Click OK, and then click OK again.