Alesis prolineardsp Manual Do Utilizador

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Using the Software  
The Program Edit window 
The EQ tab is divided into four areas: 
•  The Curve space, the green area showing a graphic 
representation of  the combined effects of  the EQ 
settings for each Band. Each of  the colored dots 
corresponds to one of  the Bands, and is used to edit 
the Frequency and Gain of  its Band. 
•  The Controls, with four columns of  knobs and 
sliders, one for each Band, which can be used in the 
same way the hardware of  a physical equalizer would. 
•  The EQ Bypass button, which allows you to hear the 
audio material without the Program’s EQ curve 
being applied. 
•  The Save To User button, which enables you to save 
the curve you have created to one of  the eight User 
Program locations. In the lower right corner is a 
switch that allows you to select which of  the eight 
locations will be the destination for the curve when it 
is saved.