ART sgx 2000 Manual Do Utilizador

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-Using the Encoder, GOTO preset 151 (the Preset LED should be lit).
-Press the RECALL button [<blank title>, <no effects>].
-Press the ADD EFFECT button once
-Turn the Encoder until you see [ADD:COMPRESSOR?].
-Press ENTER (you have just entered the compressor into the chain), bottom
display reads [1  CMP].
-Press the ADD EFFECT button
-Turn the Encoder until [ADD:REVERB-1?] appears.
-Press ENTER (now the reverb algorithm is entered into the chain, display reads
[2  CMP+REV].
-Press the ADD EFFECT button.
-Use the Encoder to select the ACU-ENV-SIM, enter it into the chain. Display
should read [3  CMP+AES+REV].
-Find then add PITCH-TRANS.
*Display reads [4  CMP+AES+PTr
-Press STORE.
*The effects you have selected are now stored in preset 151.
You may have noticed a not equals sign at the bottom left hand side of the LCD.
The not equals sign indicates the changes have been made to the original values
of the preset. When Store is pressed this character disappears.
REMINDER: You have not set any parameters as of yet. Don't worry, we have
preselected a nominal value for each of the parameters associated with an effect
as a starting point. This provides a user reference to a sound instead of
starting at point zero. We feel it is useful to hear a descriptive set of
parameters so you may tailor them to your own specific sound requirements. We'll
look at these in just a moment as well as making a title for this preset. First,
the DELETE key will be explained.
The ADD EFFECT button is also used in TITLE EDIT Mode to add characters and
spaces to the title.
NOTE: Before you start building your own presets, read the section "Level
Programming Hints for Building Your Own Presets" in Appendix A.
Pressing the DELETE EFFECT button once opens the Delete Effect function.
To delete an effect from a preset, press this button and use the Encoder to
select the effect you want deleted. Turn the Encoder left or right to scan
through your selections. Finalize the DELETE EFFECT command (delete the effect
from the chain) by pressing the ENTER button. Doing this deletes the effect
temporarily from memory. If audio is passing through the SGX 2000, you will hear
the change when you press the ENTER button. Press the STORE button to make the
change permanent.
To close the Delete Effect function and escape to Edit Mode, press the button
once or press the Edit Mode button.
The DELETE EFFECT button is also used in TITLE EDIT Mode to subtract characters
and spaces from the title.
Deleting Effects From a Preset