Yamaha aw16g Manual Do Utilizador

Página de 219
MIDI and utility functions
ALL INIT button
Resets all MIDI messages assigned to the faders/
[TRACK SEL] keys to the initial settings. To initialize, 
move the cursor to this button and press the 
[ENTER] key.
FADER button
If you turn this button on, the MIDI message 
assigned to the fader of the currently selected chan-
nel will be displayed.
This button will automatically be turned on when 
you operate the fader of a track channel.
SEL SW button
If you turn this button on, the MIDI message 
assigned to the [TRACK SEL] key of the currently 
selected channel will be displayed.
This button will automatically be turned on when 
you operate the [TRACK SEL] key of a track chan-
Selects how the [TRACK SEL] key of a track channel 
will operate when pressed.
LATCH ....................... The setting will alternate on/off 
each time you press the [TRACK 
SEL] key.
UNLATCH.................. The setting will be on while you 
hold down the [TRACK SEL] key, 
and will turn off when you release 
the key.
LEARN button
When this button is on, the MIDI message received 
from the MIDI IN connector will be assigned to the 
currently selected fader or [TRACK SEL] key. This is 
a convenient way to assign MIDI messages quickly.
• If two or more MIDI messages are received while the 
LEARN button is on, the last-received MIDI message 
will be input in the MIDI message field.
• If a system exclusive message longer than sixteen bytes 
is received, the first sixteen bytes will be displayed.
MIDI message
This area displays (in hexadecimal form) the MIDI 
message that is assigned to the currently selected 
fader or [TRACK SEL] key.
You can move the cursor to each numeric box and 
turn the [DATA/JOG] dial to edit the value of each 
byte (two-digital hexadecimal number). You can 
select the following values.
00–FF (hexadecimal) ..Corresponds to the actual value of 
the MIDI message that is transmit-
END............................Indicates the end of the MIDI mes-
sage. When you operate a fader or 
[TRACK SEL] key, the MIDI mes-
sage starting with the first byte and 
ending with the byte that precedes 
END will be transmitted.
SW ([TRACK SEL] key 
...........................Indicates the on/off status of the 
[TRACK SEL] key. The byte you 
specify as SW will be transmitted 
as 7F (hexadecimal) when the key 
is turned on, or 00 (hexadecimal) 
when the key is turned off.
FAD ............................Indicates the current position of 
the fader. If the message is assigned 
to a fader, the byte you specify as 
FAD will be transmitted as a value 
of 00–7F (hexadecimal) corre-
sponding to the fader position 
when you operate the fader.
If the message is assigned to a 
[TRACK SEL] key, this byte will be 
transmitted as a value correspond-
ing to the current position of the 
fader when the [TRACK SEL] key is 
turned on, and will be transmitted 
as a value of 00 (hexadecimal) 
when the [TRACK SEL] key is 
turned off.
• The MIDI message assigned to a single fader or key can-
not be longer than sixteen bytes.
• If a SW byte is not assigned to a [TRACK SEL] key, the 
MIDI message you input will be transmitted only when 
you turn the key on. (In this case you will normally use 
the UNLATCH setting.)
• When you use the LEARN button to assign a control 
change to a fader, the END byte will automatically be 
input at the end of the MIDI message.
• When you use the LEARN button to assign a control 
change to a fader, the FAD byte will be automatically 
input as the variable value.
• If you assign a MIDI message manually, be sure to input 
END at the end of the MIDI message.
• When you assign a MIDI message to a fader, FAD must 
be input for one of the bytes. If FAD is not input, oper-
ating the fader will not do anything.
• If you input the values manually, it is possible that an 
invalid MIDI message will be input. For this reason, you 
should use the 
 LEARN button to assign MIDI mes-
sages whenever possible.
MIDI data transmitted 
MIDI data transmitted
MIDI data transmitted
MIDI data transmitted 