Garmin etrex personal navigator Manual Do Utilizador

Página de 55
This section covers the remaining features of the eTrex 
that were not covered in the Getting Started section. 
Map Page Options
In addition to the basic aspects of the Map Page that 
were covered on page 11, there is a ‘MAP OPTIONS’ 
feature which allows you to customize the Map Page. The 
following options are available: 
• Orient Map Ahead/Northward: When ‘AHEAD’ is 
selected, the top of the map is oriented in the direction 
you are currently moving. When ‘NORTHWARD’ is 
selected, the map is always oriented to the north.
• Auto Zoom On/Off: When ‘AUTO ZOOM’ is turned 
on, the map automatically adjusts its scale to display your 
entire navigating route. When it’s turned off, you must 
press the UP or DOWN Buttons to select the appropriate 
map scale.
• Show/Hide Waypoints: Allows you to view the map 
with or without waypoints.
• Show Course Line/Bearing Line: ‘SHOW COURSE 
LINE’ displays the path from your starting point to your 
destination. ‘SHOW BEARING LINE’ displays the path 
from your current location to your destination.
• Stop Navigation: ‘STOP NAVIGATION’ stops any 
active navigation (navigation means there is a destination 
waypoint, page 16). This option cannot be selected if 
there is no active navigation.
To select a Map Page option:
1.   Press the ENTER Button on the ‘MAP’ Page.
2.   The Map Options Menu appears. Press the UP or 
DOWN Button and highlight the desired option and 
press ENTER.  Once you press ENTER, the change 
is made and the Options Menu disappears.
Selecting ‘Orient Map 
Ahead’ from the Map 
Page options orients the 
map to the direction you 
are moving.
When you select ‘Orient 
Map Northward’ the 
fi gure icon is replaced 
by a ‘direction’ triangle. 
The tip of the triangle 
tells you the general 
direction you are 
Map Page 
etrex manual.indd
10/12/00, 11:16 AM