Garmin gpsmap 182c Manual Do Utilizador

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Map Page Options
• Set Up Map— allows you to confi gure the map display to your preferences, including map detail, 
map orientation, automatic zoom, and various map items and points. The map set up option uses a ‘fi le 
tab’ feature, making it easier to organize the various settings for ease of use. The following table lists the 
fi le tabs and the settings available under each tab:
Detail, Orientation, AutoZoom, Color Mode (182/232 monochrome only)
Basemap, Data Card Maps
Waypoints, Active Route
Spot Soundings, Tide Stations, Services
Symbol Set, Text Size, Light Sectors
Nav Line 
Heading Line, Bearing Line, Course Line
Saved Tracks, Track Log
Accuracy Circle, Lat/Lon Grid, Map Outlines
To change a map setup feature:
1.    From the Map Page menu, highlight ‘Set Up Map’ and press ENTER/MARK.
2.   Move LEFT or RIGHT on the ARROW KEYPAD to highlight the desired tab, then UP or DOWN on 
the ARROW KEYPAD to highlight to the setting you want to change and press ENTER/MARK.
3.   Move UP or DOWN on the ARROW KEYPAD to highlight to the desired setting and press 
ENTER/MARK. To exit, press QUIT.
General Tab
      Detail— Most, More, Normal, Less, Least: controls how much map detail you will see. This setting 
only applies to any map feature set to “Auto”. Those features which have a specifi ed scale or turned 
“Off” are unaffected by this setting.
      Orientation— North Up— fi xes the top of the map display to a north heading; Track Up— fi xes the 
top of the map display to the current track heading; Course Up— fi xes the map so the direction of 
navigation is always “up” and turns the navigation leg line vertical on the screen.
      AutoZoom— On/Off: when “On” the map will automatically adjust the map scale to a lower scale as 
you approach you destination point.
      Color Mode (182/232 monochrome only) — Water Mode, Land Mode: when in “Water Mode”, land 
will appear as a dark color and water will be light. In “Land Mode”, land will appear as a light color 
and water will be dark. If using optional BlueChart data, it is recommended to use ‘Water Mode’.
Main Menu—
Map Confi guration Tab
General Tab
(182C shown)
182C Manual Part 1.indd   24
6/4/2003, 2:52:33 PM