Garmin g1000 m20r Manual Do Utilizador

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Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Mooney M20M & M20R
4.  Continue turning the small FMS knob to scroll 
through  the  list  and  highlight  the  desired 
waypoint or airport.
5.  Press  the  ENT  key  to  confirm  the  selection.  
Press ENT again to activate a Direct-to.
To re-center the CDI (HSI) needle to the 
same destination waypoint:
1.  Press  the  Direct-to  (
)  key,  followed  by 
pressing the ENT key twice.  NOTE: If a missed 
approach point (MAP) is the current destina-
tion, the approach will be canceled.
To manually define the Direct-to course:
1.  Press the 
Direct-to (
) key.
2.  Turn the FMS knobs to select the destination 
3.  Press the ENT key to confirm the selected way-
point, then turn the 
large FMS knob to highlight 
the Direct-to Course field.
4.  Turn the FMS knobs to select the desired course 
and press the ENT key.
5.  Press the ENT key again to begin navigation 
using the selected destination and course.
Canceling Direct-to Navigation:
1.  Press the Direct-to (
) key.
2.  Press the MENU key to display the Direct-to 
options menu.
3.  With ‘Cancel Direct-To NAV’ highlighted, press 
the ENT key.  If a flight plan is still active, the 
G1000  resumes  navigating  the  flight  plan 
along the closest leg.
Figure 7-3  Canceling Direct-to Navigation
Direct-to Navigation from the PFD
Figure 7-4  PFD Direct-to Window
WPT Symbol
Facility Name
WPT Location
Nearest WPT
Bearing to WPT
Distance from WPT
Course to Selected WPT
Flight Plan WPT
1.  Press the Direct-to key (
2.  Turn the large FMS knob to place the cursor in 
the desired selection field.
3.  Turn the small FMS knob to begin selecting the 
desired identifier, location, etc.
4.  Press the ENT key.
5.  The  cursor  is  now  flashing  on ‘ACTIVATE?’.  
Press the ENT key again to activate.
Cancelling Direct-to Navigation:
1.  Press the Direct-to (
) key.
2.  Press  the  MENU  key  to  display  the  Options 
Window.  The cursor will be flashing on ‘Cancel 
Direct-to NAV’.
3.  Press the ENT key to cancel the direct-to.