DSC pc1616 Manual Do Utilizador

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PowerSeries - PC1616/PC1832/PC1864
Section 4 – Programming Descriptions
The following is a brief description of the features and options available in the Power PC1616/1832/1864 control panel.  Refer to the PC1616/
1832/1864 Reference Manual
 for a complete description of all programming features, limitations and requirements.
Section [001] to [004] Zone Definitions
Null Zone: Zone not used
Delay 1: When armed, provides entry delay when violated (follows Entry Delay 1)
Delay 2: When armed, provides entry delay when violated (follows Entry Delay 2)
Instant: When armed, instant alarm when violated
Interior: When armed, instant alarm if the zone is violated first, will follow entry delay if entry delay is active
Interior Stay/Away: Similar to ‘Interior’ except panel will auto-bypass the zone if Armed in the Stay mode
Delay Stay/Away: Similar to ‘Delay 1’ except panel will auto-bypass the zone if Armed in the Stay mode
Delayed 24-Hour Fire (Hardwire): Instant audible alarm when violated, communication delayed 30 seconds - if alarm 
acknowledged during this time (by pressing a key), the alarm will be silenced 90 seconds and repeat cycle - if not, alarm will latch 
and communicate after 30 second delay 
Standard 24-Hour Fire (Hardwire): Instant alarm and communication when violated
24-Hour Supervision (Hardwire): Instant alarm, panel will activate keypad buzzer instead of bell output
24-Hour Supervisory Buzzer: Instant alarm, panel will activate keypad buzzer instead of bell output
24-Hour Burglary: Instant alarm when violated, audible alarm at default. Reporting code BA, BH
24-Hour Hold-Up: Instant alarm when violated, silent alarm at default. Reporting code HA, HH
24-Hour Gas: Instant alarm when violated, audible alarm at default. Reporting code GA, GH
24-Hour Heat: Instant alarm when violated, audible alarm at default (also known as high-temp). Reporting code KA, KH
24-Hour Medical: Instant alarm when violated, silent alarm at default. Reporting code MA, MH
24-Hour Panic: Instant alarm when violated, audible alarm at default. Reporting code PA, PH
24-Hour Emergency: Instant alarm when violated, audible alarm at default. Reporting code QA, QH
24-Hour Sprinkler: Instant alarm when violated, audible alarm at default. Reporting code SA, SH
24-Hour Water: Instant alarm when violated, audible alarm at default (also known as high water level). Reporting code WA, WH
24-Hour Freeze: Instant alarm when violated, audible alarm at default (also known as low-temp). Reporting code ZA, ZH
24-Hour Latching Tamper: Instant alarm when violated, panel cannot be armed until Installer Programming is entered
Momentary Keyswitch Arm: Arm or disarm the system when violated
Maintained Keyswitch Arm: Arm system when violated, disarm system when restored
For Future Use
Interior/Delay: Zone will function like an Interior zone when armed in Away mode, like a Delay zone when armed in the Stay 
24-Hour Non-Alarm: Zone will NOT create an alarm.  Can be used with zone follower function for automation applications
Auto-Verified Fire: When violated, system will reset all smoke detectors for 20 seconds, then wait 10 seconds for detectors to 
settle. If another fire alarm detected within 60 seconds zone will go into alarm immediately
Supervisory: Instant alarm, system will activate keypad buzzer. A valid user code is required to silence Keypad buzzer.
Day Zone: Instant alarm when system is armed, keypad buzzer (no alarm) when system is disarmed
Instant Stay/Away: Similar to ‘Instant’ except panel will auto-bypass the zone if Armed in the Stay mode
24-Hour Bell/Buzzer: Instant alarm when violated, system will activate bell output if armed, keypad buzzer if disarmed