Crestron qm-rmc Manual Do Utilizador

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Crestron QM-RMC  
Room Media Controller
Sub-Slot 4.1 (Device Extender): Device Status 
Speed Key Name: devstat 
•  Digital output: <offline
The Device Status symbol is a device extender for plug-in control cards, 
including the C2ENET-1 card. It reports the connection status of the card. 
The <offline> input goes high for as long as a card is unavailable for polling or 
is physically disconnected from its Ethernet slot. The <offline> input goes low 
when the card is online. 
The C2I Front Panel is the non-programmable front panel of the QM-RMC and 
other 2-Series control systems and does not provide an LCD display or push 
Converting Programs and Modules Created for other 
A useful feature of SIMPL Windows is that you can convert a program created 
for another type of control system, simply by changing the target to a QM-RMC.  
To do this you first open the program, and then replace the existing control 
system with the QM-RMC. That is, drag the QM-RMC from the Control 
Systems folder onto the existing control system in System Views, and click Yes 
when prompted to confirm the replacement. 
If the program contains SIMPL+ or User modules, the conversion might 
generate error messages. This is because modules and programs often contain 
symbols with “ambiguous” signals. For example, the inputs of the Serial to 
Analog symbol can be defined as either analog or serial. Although X-Generation 
processors support ambiguous signals, the 2-Series processor requires all signal 
types to be strictly defined. 
If the program you want to convert contains SIMPL+ or User modules, Crestron 
recommends that you first compile each module before converting the larger 
program. In this way, the compiler can resolve any ambiguous signals in the 
modules and minimize errors when the larger program is converted. 
Converting SIMPL+ Modules for 2-Series 
1.  Open the SIMPL+ module you want to convert. 
2.  Choose the 2-Series processor as the target by clicking the toolbar 
button, as shown in the following illustration.  
Operations Guide – DOC. 6161 
Room Media Processor: QM-RMC 