eutech-instruments carbon dioxide gas Manual Do Utilizador

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Instruction Manual 
Carbon Dioxide Electrode
water, add 294 grams of Na
O (sodium citrate dihydrate). Swirl the flask 
gently to dissolve the solid. Fill the flask to the mark with distilled water. Stir the solution 
and adjust the pH of the solution to 4.5 with concentrated HCl. This buffer is used to adjust 
the pH of the solution to the operating range of the electrode. To each 100 ml of sample 
and standard solution, add 10 ml of carbon dioxide buffer.  
Electrode Preparation 
This electrode is shipped dry. Before using, unscrew the large cap (See Figure 5), and remove the 
inner glass electrode from the outer body. Fill the outer body with 2 to 3 ml of internal filling 
solution. Place inner glass electrode into the outer body, and screw on the large cap until finger 
tight. Place the assembled electrode in an electrode holder with a 20
 angle from the vertical to 
avoid trapping air bubbles at the bottom of the electrode. 
Checking Membrane 
A small hole of any size on the membrane or breakage of the membrane causes failure of the 
electrode. It is recommended to check the membrane on every newly assembled electrode.   
Connect a newly assembled electrode to a pH/mV meter. 
Lower the electrode tip in distilled water.   
Record the reading after stirring the distilled water for about 15 minutes.   
Add proper buffer solution (see section 
Required Solutions
) to the distilled water. A 
drastic change in the reading in a positive direction indicates damage of the membrane. 
Changing the Membrane  
Unscrew the small cap from the outer body and remove the old membrane cartridge from the small 
cap. Insert the new membrane cartridge into place, and re-assemble the electrode. (See Figure 4.) 
Connecting the Electrode to the Meter 
Connect the electrode to the meter according to the meter manufacturer's instructions. No external 
reference electrode is required. To prevent air entrapment, mount the electrode at a 20
 angle from 
the vertical. 
Electrode Slope Check (with pH/mV meter) 
(Check electrodes each day)  
To a clean, dry, 150 ml beaker, add 90 ml of distilled water and 10 ml of carbon dioxide 
buffer. Place the beaker on a magnetic stirrer and begin stirring at a constant rate. After 
assuring that the meter is in the millivolt mode, lower the electrode tip into the solution.  
Remove air bubbles by redipping probe.