games-pc pirates! gold Manual Do Utilizador

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A governor’s attitude toward you begins with the “official”
attitude of his nation toward your activities. However, any
particular favors you have done for him are remembered, as
well as any especially nasty things you have done to his city
(such as plundering it!).
You can curry favor with a governor by capturing a pirate in
waters near his port and then returning the pirate to him for pun-
ishment. Conversely, a governor is dismayed if you capture his
nation’s ships in local waters, and is especially unhappy if you
have plundered his town.
When a governor is hostile to you, he will order any harbor
forts to fire upon your vessels as they sail in. In general, if the
governor’s nation is hostile toward you the forts usually fire. If
the nation is wary, the governor’s personal attitude and the size
of your force are the crucial factors.
Political Situation
The governor may discuss the current political and military
situation with you, telling you whom his nation is allied with
and whom it is at war with. This is valuable information: on
future visits he may reward you if you have attacked enemy
ships and towns.
Be warned, however, that the political situation in the 
Caribbean is volatile, to say the least. Nations switch alliances with
appalling frequency: a country‘s enemy one day may be its firm
ally the next. Don‘t expect to get rewarded for attacking a country‘s
new ally, even if they were bitter enemies when you did it!
Towns with a population greater than 600 citizens have a gov-
ernor. His residence, the mansion on the hill, is the seat of gov-
ernment and the center of news and intrigue for the colony.
A visit to the governor may be useful. He can tell you with whom
his nation wars and allies. He may make special offers or rewards.
With luck and sufficient prestige, you may meet his niece or even
daughter. However, the governor hasn’t much time to waste enter-
taining coarse seadogs like you; once you have visited the governor
of a town, don’t expect to gain admittance again soon.
Towns with fewer than 600 citizens don’t have governors: the
mansion on the hill lies empty and vacant.
The Shipwright
The Tavern
The Merchant
The Bank
The Governor's House
Leave the Town
The City Screen