games-pc panzer-elite Manual Do Utilizador

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Corps.  A unit made up of 2-5 divisions.  Usually prefaced by “infantry” or “tank” to show what
types of divisions are commanded.  The numerical designation of the corps will be spelled out in
Roman numerals, e.g. LXXVI Corps, V Corps, II Corps, etc.  Where more than one corps is being
mentioned, the nationality is mentioned so as to avoid confusion.
DIV (Division).  A unit made up of 2-4 regiments or 2-3  brigades (same in German and English).
The numerical designation and type are given as usual, e.g. 9th Infantry division, 16th Panzer
Division, etc.
Engineers.  Troops which fight alongside the infantry and are specialists in destroying fortifications,
bridges and emplacements, as well as constructing and maintaining them.
FJ (Fallschirmjäger).  German designation for airborne infantry.
Fl. (Flammen or Flammpanzer).  German designation for a flamethrower or flame-tank.
FlaK (Flugerabwehrkanone).  German designation for antiaircraft cannon.
Fu. (Funk or Funkpanzerwagen).  German designation for a radio or radio vehicle.
Gr. (Granate).  German designation for a grenade or shell.
Grognard.  A French term which came into use during the Napoleonic wars which describes a long-
service veteran, and is currently used to refer to experienced modern historical wargamers.
GrW (Granatewerfer).  German designation for a mortar.
Halftrack.  A lightly-armored vehicle, similar to a truck, designed to carry personnel and equipment
into battle, which is propelled by a small set of tracks in place of the rear wheels, and steered by
means of the front (conventional) wheels.
HE (High-Explosive).  A type of shell which explodes on impact.  It is most often used against soft
targets such as infantry and artillery positions.
HEAT (High-Explosive Antitank).  A type of explosive shell designed to penetrate armor.  Because
its penetration capability is not based on velocity, it can be used to provide low-velocity guns and
rockets with a capable warhead.
Heer.  The German army, which is part of the Wehrmacht.
HMG (Heavy Machinegun).  A machinegun issued at company level or mounted on vehicles which
is belt-fed and fires very large caliber ammunition.
Hull.  The main body of a tank or other armored fighting vehicle.  A hull-mounted machinegun is
only capable of firing out of the front of the vehicle.
ILLUM (Illumination).  A type of round used to illuminate an area of the battlefield.
JgdPz (Jagdpanzer).  German designation for a tank destroyer.
Kfz (Kraftfahrzeug).  German designation for any light unarmored vehicle, or any vehicle in general.
Kompanie.  German for “company.”
KwK (Kampfwagen Kanone).  German designation for a tank gun.
(Kaliberlange).  German designation for the length of a gun barrel in calibers (multiples of the
shell diameter). 
le (Leichte).  German designation for “light.”
Lkw (Lastkraftwagen).  German designation for a truck or load-carrying vehicle.