games-pc star trek-starfleet command iii Manual Do Utilizador

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High Energy Turn: By using additional energy, your helm
officer can force your ship to turn at a much accelerated
rate. However, this is a risky maneuver that puts great strain on
the ship’s engines. If the High Energy Turn (HET) fails, your ship
will be momentarily paralyzed. Engines and maneuvering thrusters
fail and weapons are unavailable, leaving you a sitting duck until
your engineer sorts things out. To execute the HET, click the “HET”
button. A new display will appear at the bottom of the interface,
indicating that your helm officer is preparing to execute the turn.
During the charging phase, click on the interface as you would for
a regular turn. Once the HET bar is full, your ship will (if the turn
is successful) turn to that heading. If the HET fails, you’re dead in
your tracks. The approximate chance of success for the HET is
displayed below the “HET” button. This percentage depends on the
skill of your helm officer, the status of your ship, and how recently
you attempted a previous HET.
All Stop: This button sets your speed to zero, bringing the ship to
a halt.
Emergency Stop: This maneuver uses the warp engines to bring
the ship to a near immediate stop, as opposed to the slow
deceleration of All Stop. This is a bit stressful on the engines, and
as a result you will be unable to move for a short time after
executing an Emergency Stop.
Warp: This button acts identically to the warp button on the main
interface. Your ship will engage warp speed, traveling very quickly
across the map. Shields drop, beam weapons are unable to be
used, and turning is impossible at warp. Click once to engage and
again to drop out of warp.
The Science button is 
located next to the Helm
button and allows you to access the
following functions:
Anti-Cloak Scan: Allows you to perform
an advanced scan to attempt to detect
cloaked enemy ships. Click the button to
activate the scan. Once your sensors have
charged, your scanners will emit a “ping,” giving you a chance to detect the
enemy. Your success depends on the quality of your sensors as well as the
skill of your operations officer. If successful, the enemy will be revealed and
you can lock onto him and fire while his shields are down.
Launch Probe: Launching a probe at an enemy vessel allows you to get an
accurate sensor reading on it before it comes into weapons range, allowing
you to plan accordingly. Target a distant enemy and click to launch a probe
at it. Once the probe is in range, the target’s information will appear on your
target display.
Passive Sensors: Activate your passive sensors
by clicking the “on” button next to the passive
sensor text. This will bring up a sensor display
into the upper left portion of the screen. This
display acts as a radar, giving you a view of the
system around you. Enemy targets are
represented by red symbols, allies in blue, and
neutral targets in gray. Using the buttons on
the passive sensor interface you can zoom in
and out, filter planets/ships from the display, 
or display an overlay of your firing arcs. You 
can also use the TAB key to toggle passive 
sensors on or off.
Self Destruct: If you’re having a bad day, why not take everyone else out
with you? Click this button to begin a five second countdown. At the end of
the countdown your ship will blow up and you will die. This can be
somewhat effective in multiplayer team games, but anywhere else you will
most likely just lose faster. Click again during the countdown to cancel the
destruct order.