games-pc x3 reunion 1.3 Manual Do Utilizador

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ships are usually light on shields, with good weapons and fast. If you want to dock with their 
stations you will have to get on their good side by proving you are worthy of respect, usually 
by showing your skill in combat. Try removing some pirates and see how they respond. 
Paranid - A self important race, who look upon all others as unworthy of their attention. They 
may choose to raise their opinion of you to a mere unholy miscreant should you catch their 
good side by killing the odd pirate or two. Doing so might let you soil their presence by 
docking at their stations. Their ship technology is very good, producing fast ships with 
advance weapons, but low cargo space. They provide fairly save havens for trading and 
police their sectors with fleets of ships that remove any hostile forces with speed. Their 
sectors are like those of the Boron, - in that they are good places for safe trading and 
advanced equipment. 
Pirate - These sectors are lawless territories and wastelands. Do not take them lightly. Being 
risky places to travel across, ensure your transporters are protected should they choose to 
navigate through such sectors in their trading ventures. You will not find any police patrols 
scanning your ship for illegal wares, but this freedom is balanced out by the greater risk of 
attack. Their ships are generally well equipped with weapons, fast and deadly in packs of 
Raider, Vanguard Hauler and Standard fighter class  ships . 
Xenon - These sectors are only for those who have ships armed to the teeth or fast enough to 
evade Xenon interceptor craft. Your combat skills should be formidable, your nerve all but 
unbreakable. In some of their sectors you will find enough Xenon present to test your skills in 
navigation and evasion. With the ability to calculate intercept and attack vectors far faster 
than any organic being, your best chance of survival may well be through brute force 
tempered with a greater than average degree of luck. 
Khaak - You will find here your place to die, many times over. When your reputation is high 
enough you will be able to access the Khaak sectors through the purchase of sector 
coordinates. Should you be foolish enough, you may consider jumping to them. Here you can 
improve your fighting skills and ranks, albeit at great risk to your well-being. 
Docking with stations 
Docking of ships with stations can be 
completed optionally under manual control 
(only to be carried out by skilled pilots) or 
automatically by using the Quick Menu, [ 
Target ] [ Dock ] or by keyboard [ Shift+D 
](Docking Computer required) if keys are 
mapped, or the [ Shift+U ] keys for Auto 
Pilot. The station’s docking clamps will 
secure the ship, protected from harm within 
its extremely powerful shields.
All stations have implemented the upgrade 
to external clamp docking, which though 
originally designed to allow larger ships to 
dock at all stations, became more widely 
adopted when it was made a political issue, with heavy lobbying from the Teladi and Split. 
Their disagreement was about the continuously rising costs of repairing internal station 
damage, caused by young unskilled pilots who, often intoxicated by space fuel or other illegal 
substances, damaged the station while entering or leaving the docking bays.  
Many suspect that this is really motivated by the Teladi’s desire to increase internal storage of 
all their stations, so they can use large surplus stocks to influence the markets.