games-pc wing commander ii Manual Do Utilizador

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In Wing Commander, you and the other starfighter pilots of the TCS Tiger’s Claw fought against
overwhelming odds, leading the Confederation forces to victory over the Kilrathi Empire in the Vega
Next, during Wing Commander The Secret Missions, the Tiger’s Claw was ordered to report imme-
diately to the Deneb sector, where the Goddard Colony was under attack by Kilrathi forces. But
before the Tiger’s Claw could enter the fray, the enemy used a devastating secret weapon to destroy
the colony. You and your fellow pilots played a deadly game of hide and seek with the Kilrathi fleet.
Ultimately, the secret weapon was destroyed…
Then, during Wing Commander The Secret Missions 2: Crusade, the Kilrathi declared a holy war. A
huge Kilrathi fleet maneuvered toward an isolated star system and a planet of peaceful, primitive
natives. After a Kilrathi renegade defected, you flew a Kilrathi ship in a series of “undercover” mis-
sions. Finally, you discovered the secret reason for the holy war and saved the Firekkan race.
Soon after, however, disaster struck. While the Tiger’s Claw was attacking the K’tithrak Mang, you
encountered several fighters that faded mysteriously from sight. Even your radar couldn’t track them!
Not wanting to panic the Claw over what you thought to be a radar malfunction, you went looking
for the ghostly fighters.
The search delayed your return to the Claw just long enough for the fighters to destroy the hap-
less carrier.
Landing on the 
Austin, you learned that you were the only pilot to encounter these “stealth”
fighters. Furthermore, your flight recorder disk mysteriously disappeared right after you landed.
Brought before a general court martial, you were charged with treason, and your claims about stealth
fighters were ignored.
A lack of evidence led to the treason charges being reduced to mere negligence, but you incurred
the wrath of certain flag officers, Admiral Tolwyn among them. Your career appeared to be over.
But you’re still a pilot in the Terran Confederation Navy and in Wing Commander II, your goal is
to defeat the Kilrathi enemy. Each mission you fly (and your success or failure in each mission)
affects the Confederation’s chances for ultimate victory. Wing Commander II presents one campaign
in the on-going war. Special Operations 1 and continue the story.
The first thing you see when you begin play is the Wing Commander II logo sequence, followed
by the main menu. Here you are asked if you want to “Start New Game” or “Resume Current
If you are a first-time player (or you want to start the game again from the beginning), select
“Start New Game.” If you have already played Wing Commander II and wish to pick up where you
left off, choose “Resume Current Game.”
To make the choice, use your joystick, mouse, arrow keys or numeric keypad to move the pointer
until it is over the option you want. The pointer changes into a cross. When the cross is over the
option you want, press joystick button #1, the left mouse button or
Start New Game. If you choose “Start New Game,” you may see a screen asking you which cam-
paign you wish to play. This screen will only appear if you have installed one or both of 
Special Operations scenarios. Move the pointer to the campaign you wish to play and press button
#1, the left mouse button or e.
Once you have selected a campaign, the introduction begins, bringing you up to date on events in
the  Wing Commander universe. When this is over, the Terran Confederation Navy Personnel
Database computer appears on the screen. Follow the prompts, choosing “(T)ransfer an existing per-
sonnel file” or “(C)reate a new personnel file.”
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