BBE Sound ars2 Manual Do Utilizador

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BBE sound processing technology has been awarded over 40 US and international patents, and is
essentially an audio circuit which compensates for deficiencies inherent in amplified sound systems.  It
is a program-driven process which restores the time-alignment of the whole frequency spectrum while
dynamically compensating for amplitude loss in the uppermost and lowermost frequencies.
A good analogy is that BBE signal processing technology acts like an automatic focus lens on a
camera.  Imagine looking through a camera lens and the image is dull and fuzzy, then you twist the
lens and the picture comes into sharp view.  Once you experience your BBE ARS, we believe you will
understand this analogy clearly. 
BBE HIGH DEFINITION SOUND technology works to overcome phase and amplitude distortion,
which are the primary reasons why signals reproduced by amplifiers and loudspeakers have difficulty
faithfully reproducing the original sound.
Technically, it does this by imparting a linear phase shift across the entire frequency spectrum to
compensate for phase distortion and simultaneously augmenting the amplitude of the upper and lower
frequencies, performing both these functions in a program driven manner.  It does this without adding
any artificial content to the signal, such as using artificial harmonics or reverb-based 3D effects.
The amount of high frequency processing is adjusted with the Process control, and is used to tailor a
crisp, tight music program.  The Lo-contour control is a bass processing adjustment.  When turned
clockwise, the Lo-contour feature will add power and warmth to the music program.  Unlike an
equalizer, increasing the Lo-contour on the BBE ARS will not produce a “boomy” or “muddy” sound,
but will remain tight, clean and “punchy”.
As Music Connection magazine called BBE technology, “BBE is the most hearable advance in audio
technology since high fidelity itself.”