Macromedia flex 2 Manual

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Compiling components with Flex 2 SDK
Distributing a component as a SWC file
To create a SWC file, use the compc utility in the flex_install_dir/bin directory. The compc 
utility generates a SWC file from MXML component source files and/or ActionScript 
component source files. 
In this example, you create a SWC file for a custom formatter component that you defined by 
using the following package and class definition:
package myComponents.formatters
//Import base Formatter class.
import mx.formatters.Formatter
public class MySimpleFormatter extends Formatter {
In this example, the file is in the directory 
You use the following compc command from the flex_install_dir/bin directory to create the 
SWC file for this component:
.\compc -source-path c:\flex\myComponentsForSWCs\ 
-include-components myComponents.formatters.MySimpleFormatter 
-o c:\flex\mainApp\MyFormatterSWC.swc
In this example, you use the following options of the compc compiler:
In your main application file, you specify the component’s namespace, as the following 
example shows:
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" 
Option name
Specifies the base directory location of the 
file. It does not include the directories that the component’s 
package statement defines.
Specifies the component to add to the SWC file, and includes the 
information that the package statement specifies. 
Specifies the name and directory location of the output SWC file. In 
this example, the directory is c:\flex\mainApp, the directory that 
contains your main application.