McAfee virusscan professional edition 7.0 Manual Do Utilizador

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Product Guide
Getting Started with McAfee VirusScan Professional Edition
Hostile Activity Watch Kernel
HAWK monitors your computer for suspicious activity that may indicate a 
virus is present on your system. As opposed to VirusScan, which cleans the 
virus, HAWK prevents viruses, worms, and trojans from spreading further.
Hostile Activity Watch Kernel (HAWK) is a VirusScan option that enables 
constant monitoring for suspicious activity that may indicate a virus is present 
on your system. Suspicious activity includes:
An attempt to forward e-mail to a large portion of your address book.
Attempts to forward multiple e-mail messages in rapid succession.
E-mail attachments containing program files (executable files with an .exe file 
extension) or scripts that can be used to mask the actual type document 
transmitted to you.
By monitoring for these typically malicious activities, HAWK notifies you and 
lets you take action before damage occurs. HAWK can prevent viruses, 
worms, and trojans from spreading further, while VirusScan cleans the virus 
to remove it from your computer.
About Script Stopper
Script Stopper
 is a VirusScan protection mechanism associated with the 
HAWK. Script Stopper ™ detects the activities performed by malicious script 
methods and routines. For example, Script Stopper
 detects scripts that try 
Delete, open, or make files in your computer.
Send e-mail messages without your knowledge or consent.
Access your computer’s registry.
Script Stopper
 allows you to create a list of trusted scripts. If you encounter 
a script that is acting in a hostile manner, an alert message displays. At such 
time, you can block the script from running now, and at any time in the future.
If you recognize the script, you can allow it to run. If you allow a script to run, 
and indicate that you recognize the script, McAfee VirusScan Professional 
adds the script to its records of trusted scripts. If there are scripts that you 
frequently use, or want to allow to run, you can add scripts to a trusted 
database directly from the Script Stopper
 property sheet in the HAWK scan 