Macromedia dreamweaver 8-extending dreamweaver Manual Do Utilizador

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A simple insert object example
Building an Insert bar pop-up menu
The Dreamweaver Insert bar introduces a new organization for objects and now supports 
pop-up menus to help organize objects into smaller groups, as shown in the following figure.
The following example builds a new category on the Insert bar called Editorial and then adds 
a pop-up menu to that category. The pop-up menu contains the Strikethrough object you 
already created and groups it with a Blue Text object you will create. The objects in the 
Editorial category let users make editorial comments in a file and either strike through the 
content they want to remove or make new content blue.
To organize the files:
Create a new Configuration/Objects/Editorial folder in your Dreamweaver installation 
Copy the files for the Strikethrough object example you created (Strikethrough.htm, 
Strikethrough.js, and Strikethrough.gif) to the Editorial folder.
To create the Blue Text object:
Create a new HTML file.
Add the following code:
<title>Blue Text</title>
<script language="javascript">
//---------------     API FUNCTIONS    ---------------
function isDOMRequired() {
// Return false, indicating that this object is available in Code 
return false;
function objectTag() {