MartinLogan Cadence Manual Do Proprietário

Página de 53
Installation [select installation location]
–› *
Shelf Mount [select when set on a flat surface]
–›  Wall Mount [select when mounted to a wall]
–› Above TV [select when mounted to a wall, above a TV]
–› Below TV [select when mounted to a wall, below a TV]
Subwoofer [select subwoofer configuration]
–› *
No Sub [select when not using a subwoofer]
–›  Wired Sub [select when attaching a sub via a cable]
–›  Wireless Sub [configure a wireless subwoofer]
–› Sync Subwoofer [sync wireless sub receiver]
–› Turn Wirless Sub Off [deactivate wireless sub transmitter]
Bass Level [adjust bass level in 2dB increments]
–›  +10dB through –10dB [*
default = 0dB]
Surrounds [configure surround options for 5.1-channel sources]
–›   Off [turns off simulated surrounds]
–› *On  [use simulated surrounds at normal level]
+6dB [increases level of simulated surrounds +6dB]
Stereo Mode [configure options for 2-channel stereo sources]
–›  Wide [creates a wider stereo image]
Voice+ [simulates a center channel for stereo sources]
– *Normal [use original stereo signal]
Bass Mode [select EQ listening mode for bass]
Bass+ [sets bass EQ mode for enhanced bass]
–› *Normal  [returns bass EQ to normal levels]
–›   Night  [sets bass EQ mode for reduced bass]
Display [select display mode]
Bright [use display at full brightness at all times]
–›   Dim  [use dimmed display at all times]
–› *Auto  Bright  [full brightness, display turns off automatically]
–›  Auto Dim [dimmed display, display turns off automatically]
HDMI [configure HDMI settings]
–›  HDMI ARC [configure HDMI ARC]
–›  *
Off [turns HDMI Audio Return Channel off]
–›   On [turns HDMI Audio Return Channel on]
–›  HDMI CEC [configure HDMI CEC]
–›  *
Off [turns HDMI CEC off]
–›  On [turns HDMI CEC on]
–›  HDMI bypass [configure Standby HDMI bypass settings]
–›  *
Off [turns Standby HDMI bypass off]
–›  Last  Used [Standby HDMI bypass uses last HDMI used]
–›  HDMI  1 [Standby HDMI bypass uses HDMI 1]
–›  HDMI  2 [Standby HDMI bypass uses HDMI 2]
–›  HDMI  3 [Standby HDMI bypass uses HDMI 3]
–›  Lip Sync [adjust lip sync delay by 5ms increments]
–› HDMI ARC [adjust lip sync for the HDMI ARC input]
–› 0ms through 300ms [*
default = 0]
–›  HDMI  1 [adjust lip sync for the HDMI 1 input]
–› 0ms through 300ms [*
default = 0]
–›  HDMI  2 [adjust lip sync for the HDMI 2 input]
–› 0ms through 300ms [*
default = 0]
–›  HDMI  3 [adjust lip sync for the HDMI 3 input]
–› 0ms through 300ms [*
default = 0]
Anthem Room Correction [configure Anthem Room Correction]
–› *
On [turns Anthem Room Correction on, if loaded]
–›   Off  [turns Anthem Room Correction off]
Power Settings [configure power settings]
–›  Power Standby [configure standby behavior]
–› *
Auto Standby [soundbar turns itself on and off as needed]
–› Always On [the soundbar is always powered on]
–›  Power-On Volume [set default volume for power on]
** Some menu options may vary depending on manufacturing date.
an external subwoofer, you must choose either a 
wireless connection or a wired connection. Your 
soundbar does not simultaneously output via both 
connections. The soundbar can connect to only 
one wireless subwoofer. However, it is possible to 
connect multiple wired subwoofers if you utilize a 
‘Y’ splitter attached to the subwoofer cable, or if 
your subwoofer offers an output designed to daisy 
chain multiple subs.
Subwoofer > No Sub: This option configures 
the soundbar to handle all bass information and will 
not output information via the subs wired or wireless 
subwoofer connections. Activate by pressing the enter 
button and the soundbar will respond with ‘Saved’.
Subwoofer > Wired Sub: This option configures 
the soundbar to use an external subwoofer connected 
via a cable to the soundbar’s Sub Out RCA connection.