Outsource Industries Inc. OSIPSSLTX Manual Do Utilizador

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 Appendix B 
The Sound Localization Guidebook Prototype
The Sound Localization Guidebook Prototype
 Appendix B 
Musical Chairs
Players form a circle. If using chairs or other place markers, 
start off with one less than the number of participants. 
Start the music (or any sound device). As the music plays, 
the players walk around the outside of the circle. When 
the music stops, the players must sit. The one left standing 
moves to the inside of the circle, and one more chair is 
removed for the next round. If in gym class, students can 
sit on the fl oor, and the last player to sit down moves to the 
inside of the circle.
Ocean is Stormy
This game is played best in a gymnasium or on a tennis 
court. One of the end walls or fences is designated as home 
base and a sound source is placed there. All players form 
teams of two, clasp hands, select a name of a fi sh, and 
scatter about. One pair, known as sharks, carries a second 
sound source and walks around the area calling the names 
of fi sh. When the name of a fi sh that has been adopted 
by a team is called, that pair falls in behind the sharks and 
marches after them. When the sharks have called all the 
fi sh they can think of, they say, “The ocean is stormy.” All 
the players run for home base. Hands must remain clasped 
throughout the game. The last team to reach home base 
becomes the sharks for the next game.
Prison Ball
Prison Ball is a milder version of dodge ball that does not 
eliminate students from the game, instead when they 
are hit by an opponent, they go to a prison area behind 
the opposite team. Balls can only be thrown below the 
shoulders. Players have the opportunity to get out of prison 
and back on their respective team if they catch a ball that 
was thrown in the air by one of their own teammates. If 
someone makes a basket from half court, then everyone in 
that prison gets to leave to go back to their side. Play with a 
soft electronic sound ball. A sound source can be attached 
to the basketball goal and/or in the prison area. This game 
allows players to run, dodge, catch, throw, strategize 
together, and cooperate with teammates.
Pussy wants a Corner
Stand in a circle with one player in the middle. Players in the 
ring change places constantly, and the one in the middle 
tries to get the place of one of them. When he succeeds,
the person displaced becomes the pussy and must stand 
within the ring until he can displace someone else. A 
stationary sound source can be placed in the center of the 
ring as a reference point. For a moving sound source, have 
a chosen one or two in the circle carry the source while 
changing places.
17820 Sound Local.ind   90-91
6/24/05, 11:36:29 AM