Valentine Research Inc. V18A Manual Do Utilizador

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What Full Coverage means for you
Finds all radars
Valentine One covers all four bands.
X band . . . . . . . . . most common for moving and stationary;
can be used in “Instant-on” mode; this
frequency is shared with burglar alarms 
and door openers.
K band . . . . . . . . . moving and stationary radar; can be 
used in “Instant-on” mode.
Ka band . . . . . . . . widest of the radar bands; moving or
stationary; can be used in “Instant-on.” 
Photo radar . . . . . K  or  Ka  band; stationary only.
POP Protection . . covers POP mode on two bands—
specifically the MPH Industries models
BEE III and Enforcer on both K and Ka;
moving or stationary.
Ku band . . . . . . . . not used in U.S.; standard equipment 
on all V1s, but not activated. To activate,
Euro Mode . . . . . . narrows and intensifies radar coverage,
and limits it to K and the sections of Ka
bands used in Europe for photo radar.
Standard equipment on all V1s, but not
activated. To activate, see: http://www.
Finds all lasers
Valentine One covers all traffic laser. In the U.S., the
operating wavelength of traffic laser is 820-950 nanometers.
Welcome to Full Coverage
Dear Owner:
When an interest lasts for a year to two, that’s a
hobby. When it goes on non-stop for more than 25
years, I think it fairly can be called an obsession.
My wife says I’m obsessed with traffic 
radar. She’s right. Radar is out there, skulking
(Stalking?) around, hiding in the bushes. And I
really get a kick out of finding it, finding it first,
finding it every time. This is a civilian version 
of what the military calls Electronic Warfare
Support Measures (ESM). I find it compelling, 
I can’t help it.
I’m pretty good at it too. That makes it more fun.
Back in the seventies, Jim Jaeger and I invented
Escort. It was the best radar finder on the market for a long
time and I enjoyed running the company that made it,
Cincinnati Microwave.
Since starting my own company, we’ve made other
products and earned a reputation for innovation. But
nothing is quite as much fun for me as finding radar. 
V1’s legendary reputation is built on what’s inside. The
magnesium case still looks identical to the original, but the
electronics inside have been completely changed time and
time again. I believe in continuous improvement. That’s
what keeps V1’s performance ahead of the pack. I don’t
believe in planned obsolescence. Whenever we make a
performance breakthrough, we offer it to past customers 
as an upgrade. Even the first V1 can be updated to today’s
protection. See 
for details; you’ll 
also find a wide variety of radar and laser information not
available anywhere else.
I hope you enjoy your Valentine One as much as I enjoy
mine. Thanks for trusting me to find radar and laser for you.
Michael D. Valentine

Mike Valentine:
Electronics engineer, 
former president of
Cincinnati Microwave,
and co-inventor
of Escort
Older detectors find only two
or three types of radar.
Valentine One
finds all
radars, including Stalker.