COOPER INDUSTRIES INC FH1847N Manual Do Utilizador

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T245 Control System Manual
3.  To change or view a particular Factory Parameter, press the up or down Output
buttons until you reach the desired parameter (see table below).  Note that if you press
the up button when you are already at the “top” (parameter 1, solid “1+”), the display
will “wrap around” to the last parameter (parameter 48, flashing “6
±”).  A similar
wrap-around happens when you press the down button when you are already at the
last parameter.
4.  The display will show one light on in the “Param” column if the selected parameter is
a “multiple-choice” type, or one or two lights in the “Value” bar graph if the
parameter is a “variable-value” type.  You change the multiple-choice selection using
the buttons under the “Param” lights, and the variable-value using the buttons under
the “Value” lights.  For multiple-choice parameters, the top Param light (“Threshold”)
through the bottom light (“Ramp Down”) are referred to in the table as choices “A”
through “E”.
When changing a variable-value parameter, note that the top Value light (“MAX”)
corresponds to the maximum value allowed for that parameter (see table below), and
the bottom (“MIN”) corresponds to the minimum value allowed.  Each single press of
the Value up or down buttons will change the parameter by the increment value for
that parameter.  Holding down either button will cause it to automatically repeat, and
is useful when you need to change a value a long way from where it is.
If you are adjusting either of the Boom Derating Factors, the numeric display on the
T45 or T47 will show the value (in percent) of the parameter you are adjusting, with
no pointers (LOAD %, DIAG1, DIAG2) showing.
5.  When you are done changing the parameters, press the Store button to save the new
Factory Parameters.  If you do not want to save your changes, remove the Factory
Key.  If you want to restore the Factory Parameters to the preprogrammed factory-
default settings, press and hold the Store button until all the lights begin flashing; only
the Factory Parameters are affected--the Proportional Drive Settings can only be reset
by holding the Store button in Proportional Drive Setup Mode.
6.  You can now remove the Factory Key or simultaneously press the two lower-left hand
buttons again to get back to Proportional Drive Setup mode.
9.3. List of Factory Parameters
The following table lists the  Control System Factory Parameters.  For each
parameter, the corresponding light display in the Output column is shown, together with
the Minimum, Maximum, Adjustment Increment, and Default Value.  The last two
columns in the table indicate other adjustment restrictions for the parameter; some
parameters may be constrained by the values of other parameters.
An explanation of the parameters whose function is not immediately obvious
follows the table.