Bird Technologies Group 26075 Manual Do Utilizador

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Bird Technologies
Manual 7-9598-2.1
(Rough Draft)
          Page 21
package if a trap message is selected the details of
that message are displayed in the lower portion of
the screen. The details show the raw message as it
was received by the manager while the upper box
shows the message after it has been interpreted by
the MIB files.
Network Configuration Submenu
Values for IP Address, Netmask, the Gateway and
MAC Address are displayed on the network config-
uration submenu screen. Refer to Figure 16.
The network configuration page allows the user to
enable or disable DCHP. This is accomplished by
placing a check mark in the box next to the label
“Configure Automatically”. The Dynamic Host Con-
trol Protocol (DHCP) is a standardized networking
protocol used on IP networks for dynamically dis-
tributing network configuration parameters, such as
IP addresses for interfaces and services. With
DHCP, computers request IP addresses and net-
working parameters automatically from a DHCP
server, reducing the need for a network administra-
tor or a user to configure these settings manually.
The DCHP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
is either active or inactive. When DCHP is active
the values for IP address, netmask, and gateway
are set to zero. When the DCHP is inactive (default
setting from the factory) the IP address, netmask,
and gateway values can be modified by the user by
typing the desired values into the associated box
and pressing the save button. The customer should
consult with their IT depar tment to determine
whether DCHP should be active or inactive.
OLC History Submenu
This screen displays an OLC Datalog which is the
OLC data over the past 30 days for both uplink and
downlink branches of the system. This is a rolling
30 day log with day 31 overlapping day 1 and so
forth. Day zero represents the current day while
day one represents yesterday and so on. The
logged data is stored in non-volatile memory and
will not be erased when the unit is powered down.
The average OLC attenuation used when the OLC
was active is given both for individual days and
over the entire past 30 days. The percentage of
time the OLC was active is also given for both indi-
vidual days and over the past 30 days. This
archived information will permit the creation of a
user signal profile to facilitate optimum system con-
figuration and performance.
This archive feature will allow you to see if there
are transient episodes of strong signals perhaps
desensing other channels being amplified by the
User Administration Submenu
The User Administration submenu allows pass-
word protected access to the booster. The boxes
on this page are interactive. To make changes click
inside the box and a cursor will appear. The user is
queried for a User Name and User Password. The
default user name is “admin” and the default
password is “admin”. It is recommended that once
the booster system is installed approved users with
unique passwords are loaded into the system and
the default admin user/password is deleted.
Once the correct user name and password are
entered then a menu box for creating a new user
will be presented. To create a new user enter the
Figure 16: Network Configuration submenu screen.