Buffalo 09101896-0 Manual Do Utilizador

Página de 184
When defining the PPTP server’s IP range, avoid overlap with the range 
of IP addresses handed out by DHCP if DHCP is enabled. The IP range is 
defined using the following syntax: 
for example 
Enter client login data follows: 
<username> * <password> * 
for example  
testuser * test * 
The encryption options can be set as follows 
PPTP server type 
DD-WRT Router 
mppe required (Standard) 
Windows PPTP Server 
mppe required,no40,no56,stateless or  
mppe required,no40,no56,stateful 
OpenVPN is a powerful and flexible VPN solution. OpenVPN security is 
based on certificates that cannot created on the router itself. Please 
refer to OpenVPN’s online documentation for instructions on creating 
certificates and configuring OpenVPN. USB 
The router’s USB port can be used for several purposes. Here the basic 
and advanced USB parameters are defined. Besides enabling USB and 
defining the USB hardware standard to use you can also define if 
printer and storage support for USB shall be enabled. NAS 
If USB hard drive support is enabled, you can start the integrated 
ProFTPd server to share data on an attached hard disk via FTP. 
The User/Password data are entered as follows: 
<username> * <password> * 
for example  
testuser * test * 
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