Honeywell International Inc. KTR2280 Manual Do Utilizador

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 KTR 2280 Preliminary H 08/17/06
Rev. 0, Aug/2006
©Honeywell International Inc. Do not print without express permission of Honeywell
Page MLA-1
Honeywell Materials License Agreement
The documents and information contained herein ("the Materials") are the proprietary data of 
Honeywell International Inc. and Honeywell Intellectual Properties Inc. (collectively "Honeywell").  
These Materials are provided for the exclusive use of Honeywell Service Centers; 
Honeywell-authorized repair facilities; operators of Honeywell aerospace products subject to an 
applicable product support agreement, their wholly owned-subsidiaries or a formally designated 
third party service provider thereunder; and direct recipients of Materials from Honeywell's 
Aerospace Technical Publication Distribution.  The terms and conditions of this License Agreement 
govern your use of these Materials, except to the extent that any terms and conditions of another 
applicable agreement with Honeywell regarding the operation, maintenance, or repair of Honeywell 
aerospace products conflict with the terms and conditions of this License Agreement, in which case 
the terms and conditions of the other agreement will govern.  However, this License Agreement will 
govern in the event of a conflict between its terms and conditions and those of a purchase order or 
1.  License Grant - If you are a party to an applicable product support agreement, a Honeywell Service 
Center agreement, or an authorized repair facility agreement, Honeywell hereby grants you a limited, 
non-exclusive license to use these Materials to operate, maintain, or repair Honeywell aerospace products 
only in accordance with that agreement.
If you are a direct recipient of these Materials from Honeywell's Aerospace Technical Publication 
Distribution and are not a party to an agreement related to the operation, maintenance or repair of 
Honeywell aerospace products, Honeywell hereby grants you a limited, non-exclusive license to use these 
Materials to maintain or repair the subject Honeywell aerospace products only at the facility to which these 
Materials have been shipped ("the Licensed Facility").  Transfer of the Materials to another facility owned 
by you is permitted only if the original Licensed Facility retains no copies of the Materials and you provide 
prior written notice to Honeywell.
2.  Rights In Materials - Honeywell retains all rights in these Materials and in any copies thereof that are 
not expressly granted to you, including all rights in patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets.  No 
license to use any Honeywell trademarks or patents is granted under this License Agreement.
3.  Confidentiality - You acknowledge that these Materials contain information that is confidential and 
proprietary to Honeywell.  You agree to take all reasonable efforts to maintain the confidentiality of these 
4.  Assignment And Transfer - This License Agreement may be assigned to a formally designated service 
designee to the extent allowed under an applicable product support agreement or transferred to a 
subsequent owner or operator of an aircraft containing the subject Honeywell aerospace products.  
However, the recipient of any such assignment or transfer must assume all of your obligations under this 
License Agreement.  No assignment or transfer shall relieve any party of any obligation that such party then 
has hereunder.
5.  Copies of Materials - Unless you have the express written permission of Honeywell, you may not make 
or permit making of copies of the Materials.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, you may make copies of only 
portions of the Material for your internal use.  You agree to return the Materials and any copies thereof to 
Honeywell upon the request of Honeywell.