Bosch Security Systems Inc. M513 Manual Do Utilizador

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 TR-300 SET-UP
In sert the head set/mi cro phone into the con nec -
tor on the  bot tom of the unit. See the con nec -
tion di a gram  (Fig ure 5) if headsets other than
Telex are used.
Fig ure 25
Con necting Head set
œIf the head set you are us ing has an Electret
mi cro phone, the  dy namic/electret switch must
be in the “E” po si tion (Electret). This switch is
ac ces si ble by re mov ing the belt  clip and re -
mov ing the bat tery holder. A +5 volt bias is
avail able at the mi cro phone plug for electret
If you are us ing a head set with a dy namic mi -
cro phone, place  the dy namic/electret switch in
the “D” po si tion (Dy namic).  
NOTE:  for proper op er a tion you must match
the type of mi cro phone you are us ing with the
dy namic/electret switch lo cated in side the bat -
tery com part ment.
Insure that the OFF/ON Vol ume con trol knob
is turned OFF. Ac cess the bat tery com part ment
by re mov ing the belt clip on  the back of the
unit. Re lease the 1/4 turn fas tener lo cated  on
the back of the belt clip and re move belt
Re move the bat tery holder from the box. In sert
six (6) AA bat ter ies in the holder, pay ing close
at ten tion to po lar i ties of the bat ter ies.It may be
nec es sary to turn the  bat ter ies with the thumb
and fore fin ger the first few times  the bat ter ies
are in serted into the bat tery holder to in sure
good pos i tive con tact. In sert the holder into the 
case and re place the belt clip/bat tery cover and
en gage the 1/4 turn fas tener.
Fig ure 27
Bat tery In stal la tion
Fig ure 26
Dy namic/Electret Switch