Adobe Upgrade to After Effects Professional 7 12070312 Manual Do Utilizador

Códigos do produto
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Optics Compensation
• Precisely simulate the fish-eye lens distortion of images taken with a real camera using 
a wide-angle lens.
Corner Pin
• Skew the corners of an image to simulate the perspective of a plane in 3D space. Use  
the tracker to create animated corner pin data automatically, matching scene features 
precisely. (Professional edition only.)
• Warp an image around a given point, as if inflating the pixels out to a given radius.
3D effects
• Use 3D Channel Effects to import 3D channel image files saved in RLA, RPF, Softimage 
PIC/ZPIC, and Electric Image EI/EIZ formats, and work with the 3D image data 
contained within them. Use Depth of Field to simulate the focal effects of camera  
depth of field, and use Fog 3D to simulate volumetric haze in a source 3D image file. 
(Professional edition only.)
ID Matte
• Isolate elements in a 3D image file using unique embedded Object ID tags created by 
3D programs (Professional edition only).
• Achieve a loose, hand-drawn look instantly by applying Scribble to a layer.
Cycore Effects
• Add smoke and sparks using Particle World, create blazing ray-of-light transitions 
using Light Burst and Light Sweep, change all the colors in an image to just three hues 
using Toner, and more with over 60 bundled effects from Cycore.
Grain management tools
• Add or remove grain artifacts from footage—automatically or manually. Specify the 
characteristics of grain on all three individual color channels for a perfect match. 
(Professional edition only.)
• Instantly brighten or diffuse the bright areas of an image to create a glowing halo or 
other lighting effect, suitable for stylized emphasis of featured elements.
Advanced Lightning
• Create electrical arcs with variety, precision, and realism.
Particle Playground
• Simulate explosions, flocks of birds, swarms of bees, and more using a powerful particle 
system. Any layer, even text, can be a particle. (Professional edition only.)
• Generate sizzle around borders by adding dancing, dissolve-style animated pixel scatter 
to the inside and outside of masked areas of a layer (Professional edition only).
Expandable effects toolkit
• Expand your creative range in After Effects with hundreds of compatible third-party 
effects plug-ins (available separately).
Intuitive effects management
Effects & Presets palette
• Organize effects the way you like and quickly access them in the Effects & Presets 
palette. Save, apply, and share Animation Presets with specific settings and animated 