McAfee FWE-S1104-UPG FWES1104UPGI Ficha De Dados

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Data Sheet
McAfee Firewall Enterprise Appliance
Characterize and contain every new threat and vulnerability
Sprawling enterprise applications and the broad, fast-changing attack surface of Web 
2.0 call for a new approach to firewall security. First-generation firewalls were limited 
to port, protocol, and IP addresses. Today, McAfee
 high assurance firewalls let you 
confidently see and control new and existing applications for efficient, effective rules. 
And to detect complex threats within these applications, we integrate proactive 
threat intelligence with multiple inspection technologies in one cost-effective, easy-
to-manage appliance. 
McAfee Firewall Enterprise Features
McAfee AppPrism
visibility and control including:
Packet, stateful, and full 
application filtering
Full application visibility and control
Multiple delivery options, including 
multi-firewall (one appliance 
managing up to 32 virtual firewalls), 
McAfee Firewall Enterprise for 
Crossbeam, and a virtual firewall 
Network address translation (NAT)
McAfee AppPrism categories
Authentication services
Business web applications
Content management
Commercial monitoring
Directory services
Encrypted tunnels
Enterprise resource planning (ERP)/
customer relationship management 
File sharing
Instant messaging
Infrastructure services 
IT utilities
Mobile software
Peer-to-peer (P2P) 
Photo/video sharing
Remote administration
Remote desktop/terminal services
Social networking
Software/system updates
Streaming media
Toolbars and PC utilities
Voice over IP (VoIP)
Web browsing
Web conferencing
Firewalls are traditionally only as strong or as weak 
as the policies you define. But effective security 
policies for today’s complex Web 2.0 traffic 
depend on fine-grained understanding that can 
be hard to come by. You need rapid insight that 
goes far beyond port and protocol to encompass 
different web applications and users and the 
sophisticated threats that target them. 
Where in the past you could await signatures, 
the breakneck pace of threat evolution today 
demands proactive, predictive diagnosis of risk. 
Multiple attributes, such as source reputation, 
content, and behavior should be assessed to 
reveal malicious intent before a new threat 
is confirmed.
It’s not enough to predict the threat. Accurate, 
timely blocking demands concerted action 
that crosses conventional product silos. These 
demands—plus the call to prove compliance—
increase the operational burden on the network 
team. Yet budgets remain under pressure. 
Something has to change.
The Biggest Firewall Innovation in 15 Years
With version 8 of the McAfee Firewall Enterprise, 
McAfee reinvents the firewall. Three innovations 
deliver unprecedented protection at an affordable 
price. We combine full application visibility and 
control, reputation-aware threat intelligence, and 
multivector attack protection to improve network 
security while shaving effort and expense. 
The firewall solution includes the McAfee Firewall 
Enterprise appliances and McAfee Firewall 
Enterprise Control Center centralized management.
Today, the weakest link in network security is 
the application layer. We have taken our proven, 
high-assurance firewall—trusted by ultra-
secure environments all over the world—and 
have added broad application discovery and 
control. You can now protect new and existing 
Web 2.0 applications from the risks of data 
leakage, network abuse, and malicious attacks. 
With McAfee technology, you can ensure 
the applications using your network benefit 
your business.
Application visibility
McAfee AppPrism technology allows you to 
identify all traffic and reveal the applications 
that are really in use, with helpful context such 
as source, bandwidth, and destination. By 
inspecting encrypted application-level traffic, you 
can eliminate loopholes favored by cyberthieves 
and attackers.
Application control
Fine-grained control allows comprehensive 
enforcement of policy based on business needs. 
Instead of policies matched just to IP address, port, 
or protocol, you can now place a user name with 
a role and a set of applications.