Rohde Schwarz Rohde & Schwarz HMO1002 2-channel oscilloscope, Digital Storage oscilloscope, 21-1002-RS00 Ficha De Dados

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ased noise. This function can be used for pulse response 
tests with start and end values of zero.
The menu item Y-SCALING allows you to scale the FFT in 
the amplitude logarithmically (dBm / dBV) or linear (V
The unit dBm (Decibel-Milliwatt) refers to 1 mW. The unit 
dBV (Decibel-Volt) refers to 1 Veff. The displayed values 
refer to a 50 Ohm terminating resistor. You can use an 
external terminating resistor parallel to the high impedance 
You can deactivate the FFT function by pressing the soft 
menu key FFT OFF or pressing the FFT key on the control 
panel again.
9 .3  Quick View
Pressing the QUICKVIEW key 
 in the ANALYZE section 
activates several basic automatic measurements. The 
QUICK VIEW function allows a quick overview of the typi-
cal signal size. Measurement results are displayed at the 
bottom of the screen and with a cursor on the signal. 
The following five measurement values are displayed di-
rectly in the signal:
 ❙Maximum voltage (V
 ❙Mean voltage (Mean)
 ❙Minimum voltage (V
 ❙Rise time (t
 ❙Fall time (t
The following ten measurement values are displayed at the 
bottom of the screen:
 ❙RMS value 
 ❙Peak to peak voltage 
  Number of positive /slopes
 ❙Pos. pulse width  
 Neg. pulse width
 ❙Pos. duty ratio 
  Neg. duty ratio
Pressing the AUTO MEASURE key allows you to change 
the six measurement parameters on the bottom right. You 
may undo these changes by choosing RESET or restore 
the default setting. Only one channel can be active in the 
Quickview mode. All measurements will be performed on 
the active channel. 
Pressing the QUICK VIEW key again switched off the 
9 .4  PASS/FAIL Test based on Masks
The Pass/Fail test allows you to evaluate if a signal is located 
within defined limits. This limits are set by a so-called mask.
If the signal exceeds the mask, there is an error. These er-
rors will be displayed together with successful sweeps and 
the total of all sweeps at the bottom of the screen. It is also 
possible to perform certain actions if errors are discovered.
Press the UTIL key in the VERTICAL section and press the 
soft menu key PASS/FAIL on page 2|2 to activate the mode 
which opens a menu to set and use the mask test. Prior to 
starting the test by pressing the top soft menu key TEST 
ON/OFF, it is necessary to generate or load a mask and to 
select an action. To generate a new mask, press the soft 
menu key NEW MASK. Masks are displayed as light gray 
curves/waveforms on the screen. If a mask was copied or 
loaded, you can use menu items to change the expansion 
of the signal form and consequently the limits for the test.
In the menu that opens you can use the key COPY CHAN-
NEL to copy the current signal into a mask memory. The 
mask displays in white and appears as an overlay of the 
output signal. The menu keys Y-POSITION and STRETCH 
Y enable you to shift this curve vertically or to enlarge it. 
The two menu items WIDTH Y and WIDTH X allow you to 
set the tolerance for the mask. The universal knob or the 
KEYPAD button in the CURSOR/MENU section are used to 
enter values with a resolution of 1/100 division. A mask in-
cludes a minimum and a maximum value for each captured 
data value. The minimum and maximum value for a source 
curve with only one value per data are identical. The width 
indicates the distance between the peripheral points and 
the original point. The greater the selected value is, the gre-
ater are the potential curve deviations in the amplitude. The 
tolerance mask is displayed in white in the background. The 
generated and edited mask can be used immediately for the 
test, however, it is only saved temporarily in the instrument 
storage. The soft menu key SAVE can be used to store the 
mask permanently to a USB stick or to the internal memory. 
Press the key MENU OFF to return to the start menu.
Press the soft menu key LOAD MASK to open a file browser
which allows you to load previously stored masks for the 
test (file extension .HMK). A loaded mask can be changed
in the menu NEW MASK. Changes will be applied to the file
when the mask is edited and saved.
Pressing the soft menu key ACTIONS in the PASS/FAIL 
main menu opens a menu with the available actions. The 
following four actions can be performed:
 ❙Audio signal if the tolerance limits have been exceeded
 ❙Stop for first-time failure (number is adjustable)
 ❙Pulse for first-time failure (emits a pulse at the AUX output
in case of failure)
Fig. 9.3 PASS/FAIL mask test.