DJI Quadcopter RtF incl. GPS, incl. camera Inspire 1 with 2RC Ficha De Dados

Códigos do produto
Inspire 1 with 2RC
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  User Manual
14. What flight controller does the Inspire 1 use?
The Inspire 1 uses its own new flight controller.
15. Which motors and propellers does the Inspire 1 come with?
The Inspire 1 uses 3510 motors and 1345 propellers.
16. Aircraft frame arm joints appear loosen, is that normal?
The space of the joins shown in the below figure is normal and it will not affect the performance of 
aircraft, do not adjust the position of the screws on your own.
17. Failed to complete self-check?
Place the aircraft on the flat surface before powering on. Do not move the aircraft during the self-