Texas Instruments TSC2301EVM Evaluation Module TSC2301EVM TSC2301EVM Ficha De Dados

Códigos do produto
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Program Description
Touch Screen Section
The touch screen box on this screen is updated when a touch is detected on
the touch screen. As the touch screen is drawn upon, the motion on the touch
screen is translated into pixels on the screen. The software takes X, Y, and Z
readings, which are shown at the top of this box. As the touch pressure is
increased, the pixel size increases; a lighter touch results in smaller pixel
The display can be cleared by pressing the Enter or Delete keys on the PC
Keypad Section
The keypad functions of the TSC2301 are controlled from this section of the
screen. As keys on the keypad of the EVM are pressed, the keypresses are
displayed in the display near the top of this box. The keymap shown here also
reflects keypresses on the EVM. The display can be cleared by pressing the
Clear button in this box.
Individual keys can be masked by clicking on the key in the keymap on this
screen. The key label changes to an X to reflect that the key is masked. When
a key is masked, pressing that key on the keypad on the EVM does not result
in the keypress being detected. To unmask a key which was masked, simply
click on the key in the keymap again, and the key label returns to its corre-
sponding value.
The debounce time for the keypad can be set using the slider in this section.
The debounce time can range from 2 ms to 120 ms. Note that using short de-
bounce times results in a single keypress generating multiple keypress
When the Keyclick Enabled checkbox is checked, the three slider controls
shown in Figure 3-1 become visible. With Keyclick Enabled, the TSC2301 is
commanded to generate a keyclick sound whenever a keypress is detected.
The volume, duration, and frequency of this keyclick may be adjusted using
the three slider controls shown here.
Configuration Screen
This screen gives access to all the configurable settings for the TSC2301’s A/D
converter, reference and D/A converter, as shown in Figure 3-2.