Ea Elektro Automatik EA Elektro-Automatik EA-ELR 91000-30 3U Electronic Load 0 - 30 A 0 - 1000 Vdc 0 - 7000 W 33200409 Ficha De Dados

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ELR 9000 Series
EA Elektro-Automatik GmbH
Helmholtzstr. 31-33 • 41747 Viersen
Fon: +49 2162 / 3785-0
Fax: +49 2162 / 16230  General information about the interface modules
With the standard models of series ELR 9000, one of the plug-in and retrofittable modules listed in can 
be installed. It can take over remote control of the device alternatively to the built-in USB type B on the back side 
or the analog interface. For installation see section „1.9.8. Interface module slot“ and separate documentation.
The modules require little or no settings for operation and can be directly used with their default configuration. 
All specific settings will be permanently stored such that, after changeover between the various models, no re-
configuration will be necessary.
Changing to remote control will retain the last set values for the device until these are changed. Thus a simple 
voltage control by setting a target value is possible without changing any other values.  Programming
Programming details for the interfaces, the communication protocols etc. are to be found in the documentation 
“Programming Guide ModBus & SCPI“ which is supplied on the included CD or which is available as download 
from the EA Elektro-Automatik website.
3.5.4  Remote control via the analog interface (AI)  General
The built-in, galvanically separated, 15-pole analog interface (short: AI) is on the back side of the device offers the 
following possibilities:
Remote control of current, voltage and power
Remote status monitoring (CC/CP, CV)
Remote alarm monitoring (OT, OVP)
Remote monitoring of actual values
Remote on/off switching of the DC input
Setting the 
three set values via the analog interface always takes place concurrently. It means, that for example 
the voltage can not be given via the AI and current and power set by the rotary knobs, or vice versa. 
The OVP set value and other supervision (events) and alarm thresholds cannot be set via the AI and therefore 
must be adapted to the given situation before the AI is put in operation. Analog set values can be fed in by an ex-
ternal voltage or generated by the reference voltage on pin 3. As soon as remote control via the analog interface 
is activated, the values displayed will be those provided by the interface.
The AI can be operated in the common voltage ranges 0...5 V and 0...10 V in each case 0...100% of the nominal 
value. The selection of the voltage range can be done in the device setup. See section „3.4.3. Configuration via 
MENU“ for details
The reference voltage sent out from Pin 3 (VREF) will be adapted accordingly and is then:
0-5 V: Reference voltage = 5 V, 0...5 V set values (VSEL, CSEL, PSEL) correspond to 0...100% nominal values, 
0...100% actual values correspond to 0...5 V at the actual value outputs (CMON, VMON).
0-10 V: .Reference voltage = 10 V, 0...10 V set values (VSEL, CSEL, PSEL) correspond to 0...100% nominal values, 
0...100% actual values correspond to 0...10 V at the actual value outputs (CMON, VMON).
Input of excess set values (e.g. >5 V in selected 5 V range or >10 V in the 10 V range) are clipped by setting the 
set value at 100%.
Before you begin, please read. Important notes for use of the interface:
Analog remote control of the device must be activated by switching pin “REMOTE” (5) first. Only exception is 
pin REM-SB, which can be used independently since KE firmware version 2.07
Before the hardware is connected that will control the analog interface, it shall be checked that it can’t provide 
voltage to the pins higher than specified
Set value inputs, such as VSEL, CSEL and PSEL, must not be left unconnected (i.e. floating)
It is always required to provide all three set values at once. In case any of the set values is not used for adjust-
ment, it can be tied to a defined level or connected to pin VREF (solder bridge or different), so it gives 100%
The analog interface is galvanically isolated from DC input. Therefore do not connect 
any ground of the analog interface to the DC- or DC+ input!