Atmel SAM4S Xplained Pro Starter and Evaluation Kit ATSAM4S-XPRO ATSAM4S-XPRO Ficha De Dados

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The sequence can be customized by programming the Sequence Channel Registers, ADC_SEQR1 and 
ADC_SEQR2 and setting the USEQ bit of the Mode Register (ADC_MR). The user can choose a specific order of 
channels and can program up to 16 conversions by sequence. The user is totally free to create a personal 
sequence, by writing channel numbers in ADC_SEQR1 and ADC_SEQR2. Not only can channel numbers be 
written in any sequence, channel numbers can be repeated several times. Only enabled sequence fields are 
converted, consequently to program a 15-conversion sequence, the user can simply put a disable in 
ADC_CHSR[15], thus disabling the 16THCH field of ADC_SEQR2.
If all ADC channels (i.e., 16) are used on an application board, there is no restriction of usage of the user 
sequence. But as soon as some ADC channels are not enabled for conversion but rather used as pure digital 
inputs, the respective indexes of these channels cannot be used in the user sequence fields (ADC_SEQR1, 
ADC_SEQR2 fields). For example, if channel 4 is disabled (ADC_CSR[4] = 0), ADC_SEQR1, ADC_SEQR2 
register fields USCH1 up to USCH16 must not contain the value 4. Thus the length of the user sequence may be 
limited by this behavior. 
As an example, if only four channels over 16 (CH0 up to CH3) are selected for ADC conversions, the user 
sequence length cannot exceed four channels. Each trigger event may launch up to four successive conversions 
of any combination of channels 0 up to 3 but no more (i.e., in this case the sequence CH0, CH0, CH1, CH1, CH1 
is impossible). 
A sequence that repeats several times the same channel requires more enabled channels than channels actually 
used for conversion. For example, a sequence like CH0, CH0, CH1, CH1 requires four enabled channels (four free 
channels on application boards) whereas only CH0, CH1 are really converted.
The reference voltage pins always remain connected in normal mode as in sleep mode.
42.6.7 Comparison Window
The ADC Controller features automatic comparison functions. It compares converted values to a low threshold or a 
high threshold or both, according to the CMPMODE function chosen in the Extended Mode Register (ADC_EMR). 
The comparison can be done on all channels or only on the channel specified in CMPSEL field of ADC_EMR. To 
compare all channels the CMP_ALL parameter of ADC_EMR should be set. 
The flag can be read on the COMPE bit of the Interrupt Status Register (ADC_ISR) and can trigger an interrupt.
The High Threshold and the Low Threshold can be read/write in the Comparison Window Register (ADC_CWR). 
If the comparison window is to be used with LOWRES bit set in the ADC_MR, the thresholds do not need to be 
adjusted as adjustment will be done internally. Whether or not the LOWRES bit is set, thresholds must always be 
configured in consideration of the maximum ADC resolution.
42.6.8 Differential Inputs
The ADC can be used either as a single ended ADC (DIFF bit equal to 0) or as a fully differential ADC (DIFF bit = 
1) as shown in 
. By default, after a reset, the ADC is in single ended mode. 
If ANACH is set in ADC_MR the ADC can apply a different mode on each channel. Otherwise the parameters of 
CH0 are applied to all channels.
The same inputs are used in single ended or differential mode.
In single ended mode, inputs are managed by a 16:1 channels analog multiplexer. In the fully differential mode, 
inputs are managed by an 8:1 channels analog multiplexer. Se