Atmel SAM4S-EK2 Atmel ATSAM4S-EK2 ATSAM4S-EK2 Ficha De Dados

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38.6.4 PWM Event Lines
The PWM provides 2 independent event lines intended to trigger actions in other peripherals (in particular for ADC
(Analog-to-Digital Converter)).
A pulse (one cycle of the master clock (MCK)) is generated on an event line, when at least one of the selected
comparisons is matching. The comparisons can be selected or unselected independently by the CSEL bits in the 
 (PWM_ELMRx for the Event Line x).
Figure 38-16.Event Line Block Diagram
38.6.5 PWM Controller Operations Initialization
Before enabling the channels, they must have been configured by the software application:
Unlock User Interface by writing the WPCMD field in the PWM_WPCR Register.
Configuration of the clock generator (DIVA, PREA, DIVB, PREB in the PWM_CLK register if required).
Selection of the clock for each channel (CPRE field in the PWM_CMRx register)
Configuration of the waveform alignment for each channel (CALG field in the PWM_CMRx register)
Selection of the counter event selection (if CALG = 1) for each channel (CES field in the PWM_CMRx register)
Configuration of the output waveform polarity for each channel (CPOL in the PWM_CMRx register)
Configuration of the period for each channel (CPRD in the PWM_CPRDx register). Writing in PWM_CPRDx 
register is possible while the channel is disabled. After validation of the channel, the user must use 
PWM_CPRDUPDx register to update PWM_CPRDx as explained below.
Configuration of the duty-cycle for each channel (CDTY in the PWM_CDTYx register). Writing in PWM_CDTYx 
register is possible while the channel is disabled. After validation of the channel, the user must use 
PWM_CDTYUPDx register to update PWM_CDTYx as explained below.
Configuration of the dead-time generator for each channel (DTH and DTL in PWM_DTx) if enabled (DTE bit in the 
PWM_CMRx register). Writing in the PWM_DTx register is possible while the channel is disabled. After validation 
of the channel, the user must use PWM_DTUPDx register to update PWM_DTx
Selection of the synchronous channels (SYNCx in the PWM_SCM register)
Selection of the moment when the WRDY flag and the corresponding PDC transfer request are set (PTRM and 
PTRCS in the PWM_SCM register)
Configuration of the update mode (UPDM in the PWM_SCM register)
Configuration of the update period (UPR in the PWM_SCUP register) if needed.
Configuration of the comparisons (PWM_CMPVx and PWM_CMPMx).
Configuration of the event lines (PWM_ELMRx).
Configuration of the fault inputs polarity (FPOL in PWM_FMR)
Configuration of the fault protection (FMOD and FFIL in PWM_FMR, PWM_FPV and PWM_FPE1)
Event Line x