Buffalo TeraStation 3400r 12TB TS3400R1204-EU Ficha De Dados

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Click the Source tab and select the TeraStation where the recorded video data is saved under “Vault”.
Note: If “any” is selected, recorded data for all TeraStations connected to the network will be backed up.
Click the “Destination” tab, then select the TeraStation where you want to move the data from “Vault”.
Set the job execution date and time from the “Scheduling” tab.
For example, the settings below are made to repeatedly execute the backup job every hour.
Select “Repeatedly at a defined interval” and “Every hour”.
Click  , and register the policy.
This completes the settings for backing up video to another TeraStation.
Automatically Delete Old Data when Space is Low
Follow the procedure below to delete (purge) recorded video starting from the oldest when available space for 
recording video becomes low.
Click Start - BUFFALO - BUFFALO Surveillance Server - Data Service Policies.
For Windows 8, click the Data Service Policies.
, and when the “Create a Policy” screen is opened, enter the desired name into the “Policy Name” field, 
select “Purge”, and click OK.