Epson T059220Cyan UltraChrome K3 Ink Cartridge C13 Ficha De Dados

Códigos do produto
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MSDS S050651 
Version 7.0   
Page 4 of 5 
Release Date 31 August 2011 
Chronic Health Hazards:
Prolonged inhalation of excessive dust may cause lung damage. It is attributed to “lung 
overloading”, a generic response to excessive amounts of any dust retained in the lungs 
for a prolonged interval. Use of this product, as intended, does not result in inhalation of 
excessive dust. In a study in rats by chronic inhalation exposure to a typical toner, a mild 
to moderate degree of lung fibrosis was observed in 92% of rats in the high concentration 
) exposure group, and a minimal to mid degree of fibrosis was noted in 22% of 
the animals in the middle (4mg/m
) exposure group. But no pulmonary change was 
reported in the lowest (1mg/m
) exposure group, the most relevant level to potential 
human exposures. 
Carcinogenicity:      Not meet the criteria for classification according to EU Directive 1999/45/EC 
Carbon Black is classified as “Group 2B (possibly carcinogenic to humans)” by IARC, 
the International Agency for Research on Cancer. With excessive exposure, carbon black 
has been listed as a possible human carcinogen. However, we obtained the results from a 
Chronic Toner Inhalation Study, that commercially available toner has no evidence of 
human carcinogens. All other ingredients are not classified as “Carcinogens”. 
Titanium dioxide is classified as “possibly carcinogenic to human” (Group 2B). In animal 
chronic inhalation studies, the tumor formulation observed in only rats with animal chronic 
inhalation study are attributed to “lung overloading”, a generic response to excessive 
amounts of any dust retained in the lungs for a prolonged interval. Use of this product, as 
intended, dose not result in inhalation of excessive dust. Epidemiological study to data 
have not revealed any evidence of the relation between exposure to titanium dioxide and 
diseases of the respiratory tract beyond general effects of dust. 
Mutagenicity:    Not meet the criteria for classification according to EU Directive 1999/45/EC 
Negative (by Ames test) 
Toxicity for reproduction:      Not meet the criteria for classification according to EU Directive 1999/45/EC 
SECTION 12:Ecological information 
12.1. Toxicity: 
No data available 
12.2. Persistence and degradability:  No data available 
12.3. Bioaccumulative potential: 
No data available 
12.4. Mobility in soil: 
No data available 
12.5. Results of PBT and vPvB assessment:  Has not carried out PBT and vPvB assessment 
12.6. Other adverse effects: 
No data available   
SECTION 13: Disposal considerations 
13.1Waste treatment methods: Disposal should be in accordance with federal, state, and local requirements. 
SECTION 14: Transport information 
14.1. UN number: Not applicable 
14.2. UN proper shipping name:   
Not applicable 
14.3. Transport hazard class(es):   
Not applicable 
14.4. Packing group:   
Not applicable 
14.5. Environmental hazards:  
Not applicable 
14.6. Special precautions for user:    Not applicable 
14.7. Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC Code: 
Not applicable