Bomann FFR 1290 CB 612900 Ficha De Dados

Códigos do produto
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•  Avoid splattering. Fill the basket outside of the deep-fryer.
•  Only fry inside the frying basket.
•  If the appliance is used as a deep-fryer, keep the lid closed.
Electrical connection
1.  Check if the mains voltage that you want to use matches 
the one of the appliance. You will find the information about 
this on the type plate on the appliance. 
2.  Connect the power cord to a properly installed protective 
contact socket.
Putting into use
Before using for the first time
1.  Remove the packaging. The deep-fat frying basket with 
handle is located in the deep-fat fryer. The handle can be 
inserted into the deep-fat frying basket.
2.  We recommend cleaning the lid, housing and all accesso-
ries as described under “Cleaning”.
Useful hints for use
1.  Always remove the food remaining in the oil (e.g. pieces of 
French fries). Change the oil after using it 8-10 times.
2.  Deep frying fat must be capable of being heated to high 
temperatures. Use high quality frying oil or frying grease. 
Do not use margarine, olive oil or butter: they are not fit 
for frying, because they start to smoke already at low 
temperatures. In order to reduce the acrylamide content of 
food containing starch (potatoes, cereals) the temperature 
during deep-fat frying should not exceed 170°C (or possi-
bly 175°C). Furthermore, the frying time should be kept as 
short as possible and the food only fried until it turns golden 
3.  Choose the right frying temperature and check the condi-
tions of the food to be fried. A rule of thumb is that pre-fried 
foods require a higher temperature than raw foods.
4.  Do not carry or move the deep fryer if the oil or grease is 
still hot.
5.  When frying dough-like foods scrape off the excess dough 
and put the pieces carefully into the oil.
6.  Do not overfill the frying basket.
7.  Rub dry humid foods with a cloth before frying.
Using the unit
Deep-Fat Frying
1.  Make sure that the appliance is unplugged and switched 
2.  Open the lid.
3.  Remove the frying basket and fill the container with oil or 
grease (maximum 1.0 l). The filling level must be located 
between the minimum and the maximum level. 
•  If you use fat, divide it up into small pieces and place 
it on the floor of the deep frying vessel.
•  Under no circumstances should you place the fat in 
the deep frying basket!
4.  Close the lid. Insert the plug into a properly installed power 
socket. The “POWER” control lamp lights up.
5.  Adjust the temperature control device to the desired tem-
perature. The “HEAT” control lamp lights up. Once the set 
temperature is reached, the LED switches off.
6.  Now fill the deep-fry basket. Please ensure that the basket 
is not filled above the hot fat.
7.  Open the lid and fill the frying basket with the food to be 
fried. Remove the handle from the deep-fat frying basket.
8.  Close the lid.
9.  At the end of the frying time (the frying time is specified on 
the package of the food or in the recipe) open carefully the 
lid (Warning! Hot steam may be released!). Now remove 
the deep-fat frying basket with the handle.
10. Let the oil drip from the food being fried.
•  The device is not suitable for making cheese or chocolate 
fondue. These ingredients could burn or boil over in the 
deep-fat frying vessel.
1.  Make sure that the appliance is unplugged and switched 
2.  The lid can be removed by pulling upwards. In order to do 
so, open the lid and separate it from the hinge of the hous-
3.  Remove the frying basket and fill the container with oil or 
grease (maximum 1.0 l). The filling level must be located 
between the minimum and the maximum level. 
•  If you use fat, divide it up into small pieces and place 
it on the floor of the deep frying vessel.
•  Under no circumstances should you place the fat in 
the deep frying basket!
4.  Put the fork holder in place.
5.  Insert the plug into power socket. The “POWER” control 
lamp lights up.
6.  Adjust the temperature control to approx. 130°C. The 
“HEAT” control lamp lights up. Once the set temperature is 
reached, the LED switches off.  
With a wooden stick (e.g. shashlik spit or wooden cooking 
spoon) you can test whether the correct temperature has 
been reached. When this is inserted into the oil, small air 
bubbles should rise up along the wooden stick. Alterna-
tively, you can place a piece of the food to be fried into the 
hot oil. If bubbles are formed, the frying fat has reached the 
right temperature.