Behringer U-Control UMA25S Manual Do Utilizador

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U-CONTROL UMA25S User Manual
5.6  More functions in edit mode
All of the functions mentioned in this chapter are available in Edit Mode. 
Press the EDIT/EXIT push button to switch to Edit Mode.
5.6.1  Show element function
Use the Show Element function to view the settings of a control element:
1.  Press and hold down the EDIT push button.
2.  Operate the control element whose settings you want to check. This element 
is now shown on the display (for example, “E10”).
3.  Release the EDIT push button.
4.  Press the SHOW ELEMENT key. The display shows the message type of the 
control element that has been selected with the E9 knob.
5.  Press SHOW ELEMENT again to view the MIDI channel number that you 
have selected with the E10 rotary knob. The parameter settings of the 
selected control element are displayed one after another each time you 
press SHOW ELEMENT. The order in which the parameters are displayed 
corresponds to the parameter assignment of the rotary knobs E9 to E16 in 
Edit Mode. 
6.  Press the EDIT/EXIT push button to exit Edit Mode. The EDIT LED goes out.
It is also possible to check the settings by pressing the push button 
found below the rotary knob whose function you want to examine 
(E1–E8). As soon as the push button is pressed, the setting appears on 
the display for a short time.
5.6.2  Channel array function
Array function:
This practical function can be used to let several control elements send the same 
MIDI message on different MIDI channels. It is available for the control element 
groups E1–E8 and E9–E16.
1.  Assign the first control element (E1 or E9) as already described 
(see Chapter 5.4).
2.  Press the EDIT push button.
3.  Press the ARRAY key. “C_A” (which stands for Channel Array) appears on the 
display for a short time, after which “E1” is shown. Each time you press the 
ARRAY key “E1” or “E9” is displayed.
4.  Press the ARRAY key until the display shows the name of the control element 
that you assigned in Step 1.
5.  Press the ENTER key to confirm.
The array of control elements has now the same function assigned to them, 
but each element is consecutively assigned to incremental MIDI channel 
numbers. Since the MIDI specification only provides 16 channels, the following 
takes place: For example, if the first element uses Channel 12, the following 
elements use the channel numbers 13, 14, 15, 16, 1, 2 and 3.
Swap function:
The Swap function allows you to switch the MIDI channel assignment of an 
array grouped in eight: swap the assignment of channels 9–16 when channels 
1–8 were selected beforehand. This means that, for the previous example, 
the assignment of channels 12–3 would change to 4–11.
1.  Press the EDIT push button.
2.  Press the SWAP key. “C_S” (which stands for Channel Swap) appears on the 
display for a short time, after which “E1” is shown. Each time you press the 
SWAP key “E1” or “E9” is displayed.
3.  Press the SWAP key until the display shows the name of the control element 
(E1 or E9) you want. 
4.  Press the ENTER key to confirm. As a result, the MIDI channels of the eight 
control elements are switched around.
5.6.3  Channel assign function
The Channel Assign function lets you assign the SINGLE SEND CHANNEL for a 
single control element or the superior GLOBAL SEND CHANNEL. Please consider 
the different ways to proceed.
Assigning individual channels to a particular control 
element (SINGLE) is an alternative to the method 
already described in Chapter 5.4:
1.  Press and hold down the EDIT/EXIT push button. The device switches to 
Edit Mode. “Edt” appears on the display.
2.  Operate the control element that you want to edit. The name of the control 
element appears on the display (for example, “E10”).
3.  Release the EDIT/EXIT push button. Its LED lights up.
4.  Press the SINGLE key (in the CH ASSIGN section). “SnG” appears on the display 
for a short time.
5.  Use the keyboard to enter two digits for the channel you want to use with 
the control element (for example, “0” and “6” for MIDI channel 06).
6a.  Press the ENTER key to confirm. The EDIT LED goes out.
6b.   Alternatively, press the EDIT/EXIT push button to discard any changes made 
and to exit Edit Mode. The EDIT LED goes out.
Example of the Channel Array function:
You want to control the volume level of 8 tracks in your sequencer with 
all rotary knobs. Assign the first control knob as follows:
1.  Press and hold down EDIT/EXIT.
2.  Turn the E9 rotary knob.
3.  Release EDIT/EXIT.
4.  Using the rotary knobs, make the following assignments: E9 � CC; 
E10 � Channel 1; E11 � Controller 7 (Volume); E12 � 0 (min. Value); 
E13 � 127 (max. Value).
5.  Press ENTER to confirm.
Assigning the other rotary knobs with the Array function:
6.  Press EDIT/EXIT.
7.  Press the ARRAY key. “C_A” appears on the display for a short time.
8.  Press the ARRAY key until E9 appears on the display.
9.  Press ENTER to confirm.