Worth Data 802 RF Manual Do Utilizador

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promptline2 as string 
promptline3 as string 
NextIfError as integer 
NextIfOK   as integer 
End Type 
dim TransactionSequence(10) as TransactionElement 
TransactionSequence(1).commandcode = 1 'InputAny 
TransactionSequence(1).promptline1 = "Go to Location " + 
TransactionSequence(1).promptline2 = "Press Enter When 
Ready " 
TransactionSequence(1).NextIfError = 1 
TransactionSequence(1).NextIfOK = 2 
As mentioned above, it is important to keep your event handlers short and 
efficient. This means that your program should spend as little time as 
possible "inside" the event handler (running the handler's code). Also, it is 
important to NOT call WD802Term methods from inside WD802Term 
event handlers. So a solution is needed that allows your program to respond 
to events outside of the event handlers. 
An easy way to do this is with a polling scheme. Add a timer object to your 
application and in the timer's event handler check the 
for the state of each terminal and make any appropriate WD802Term 
method calls from within the timer object's event handler. The timer can be 
set to fire every 100 milliseconds or every 10 seconds or anything in 
between that is appropriate for your application. 
Another, more advanced way to decouple the WD802Term method calls 
from the event handlers is using threading techniques where each terminal 
is "running" in a thread that monitors that terminal's state.  
WD802Term is a drop in ActiveX component that allows programmers to 
easily add the ability to send prompts to and receive data from their R/F 
Terminal across a wireless 802.11b Ethernet network connection.  
The ActiveX component is compatible with Visual Basic, Visual C++, 
Delphi, and most other 32-bit development platforms.  
Programming Considerations 
Remember, plan for every error that the Server might return including: 
Sequence Errors detected 
Illegal Command detected 
Addressing a Terminal Not Signed In