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The Benefits of an Integrated Threat
Management Strategy
• Risk Mitigation. Reducing the threat of various attacks
greatly improves the risk profile of the entire enter-
prise. Increased IT risk means increased corporate risk,
which can have significant impacts on overall company
market and financial position.
• Cost Reduction. Greatly reducing the threat of
successful attacks yields many financial benefits.
Users become more productive as they spend less time
dealing with these attacks. And, security adminis-
tration costs are often reduced because administrators
and help desk personnel spend significantly less time
correcting the problems left in the wake of the
malware attacks.
• Asset Protection. The protection of critical corporate
assets is essential. Assets such as web applications,
platforms, operating systems, and critical system files
and repositories are what the business operations
depend, and so must be protected from unauthorized
access at all costs. Malware often represents an attack
on those assets, and therefore represents an attack on
the operation of the business itself.
• Service Continuity. Computer attacks invariably can
have a dramatic impact on the availability of critical
enterprise computer services. The result can vary from
an employee who loses an hour fixing their machine, to
multimillion dollar financial transactions that cannot
be completed because of the lack of availability of a
critical application. In the more serious cases, the
result can be disastrous for the company providing
the service.
• Regulatory Compliance. Security of the entire
corporate IT infrastructure is a key requirement of
almost all major regulations today. IT auditors want
to see strong internal IT controls that can effectively
detect, remediate and audit the existence of software
attacks of all kinds. Therefore, effective threat
management is essential for compliance with leading
governmental and industry regulations today. 
CA’s Vision for Integrated Threat
CA’s integrated threat management vision and strategy
is an integral part of CA’s Enterprise IT Management
strategy to simplify and unify IT management. The vision
delivers on proactive detection, ability to warn, analyze,
and prevent or remedy threats across IT environments;
minimizing risks, system downtime and lost productivity.
To that end, CA’s threat products are flexible, modular
and offer extensible architecture that enables you to
choose from a variety of easy to manage CA threat
products to meet your business needs. 
Drawing upon more than 30 years’ experience as the
management software experts, CA has developed a
comprehensive set of threat management solutions for
both the endpoint systems (desktop, server, laptop, and
other network access point) and gateway (Spam, HTTP,
SMTP). In addition, these products seamlessly integrate
and combine with CA’s broader security and network
management products, such as CA’s Unicenter
ogy, enabling network and security operations consolidation.
The CA vision for integrated threat management defines threat management solutions
for both the endpoint and the gateway.