Sterling Home Theater Server XXX10-80 Manual Do Utilizador

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10-Pump, 80-Station Controller           Chapter 4: Operation 
Adjusting Convey Time and Dump Delay 
Convey time is the length of time the station’s vacuum valve remains open to allow material 
to be drawn in. (For a volume-fill station, the valve closes when material covers the station’s 
volume-fill proximity sensor or this time elapses, whichever comes first.) 
Dump delay is the length of time allowed for material to drain from the station into its 
receiver. During this time, the controller does not attempt to deliver any more material to the 
The settings for convey time and dump delay should match the times actually required to fill 
and empty the station. The following problems may occur if these settings are incorrect: 
1.  Material is backing up and causing “high vacuum” alarms (for time-fill stations 
only): Convey time is too long. 
2.  System is not keeping up with the demand for material: Convey time is too short, or 
dump delay is too long. 
For your reference, the Station n Operator screen shows the length of time the controller 
actually spent conveying material during the most recent delivery under Last Convey 
To adjust a station’s convey time (or the dump delay): 
1.  Go to the Station n Operator screen (as described on p. 55), or go to the Station n 
Setup screen. 
2.  Touch Convey Time (or Dump Delay). 
A keypad pops up. 
3.  Enter the number of seconds desired. Use 
← to erase any mistakes. Use ↵ to enter the 
The new setting appears under Convey Time (or Dump Delay). 
Activating and Stopping Priority Convey for a Station 
Before activating priority convey, make sure that all other stations using the same pump have 
adequate material in reserve to continue operation.  No material will be conveyed to these 
stations during priority convey. 
If you want the controller to fill a specific station with material immediately, you can activate 
“priority convey” for that station. When you do so, the controller temporarily dedicates the 
station’s pump to it, ignoring demands from other stations assigned to that pump. Once the 
chosen station is full, normal operation resumes. 
You can also use this feature to give one station a “head start” by conveying a few loads to it 
and then stopping the priority convey. 
No more than one station for a given pump can be in “priority convey” at once. 
To activate priority convey: 
Go to the Station n Operator screen (as described on p. 55), or go to the 
Station n Setup screen. 
Touch Priority Convey Activate.