Pinnacle Speakers FXDEKO Manual Do Utilizador

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FXDeko User’s Guide
active window
The active window is the window with a highlighted (usually blue)
title bar. A window must be active for you to perform tasks in it.
To open and activate a window, choose the window type from the
View menu.
To activate a window that is already open, select it from the list at
the bottom of the Window menu, or click anywhere on the window.
application window
In Windows NT, an application window is the window frame
surrounding the application workspace on the desktop.
FXDeko’s application window is its main window, with “FXDeko”
on the title bar. When FXDeko is active, this title bar is highlighted,
usually in blue (unless you’ve changed the Windows NT color
arithmetic operator
An arithmetic operator is a symbol (+, -, *, /, %) that
performs a mathematical operation, such as addition, subtraction,
multiplication, or division, within an expression.
An array is a set of data values. In FXDeko, elements of an array
are referenced as variables that include the array name and an index
number (which must be an integer or an expression that returns an
integer), e.g. $a[0], $a[2+3], and $a[9999].
assignment operator
The assignment operator is a symbol (=, +=, -=,etc.) that assigns a
value to a variable. For example, $a = 3.
at-sign variable
An at-sign variable, so called because its initial character is always
@, is a pre-defined global system variable that is always accessible
to commands and macros.