Oracle A423961 Manual Do Utilizador

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Oracle7 Server Getting Started for Windows NT 
Selecting Alternate Territories and Character Sets
Although the languages have default territories and character sets
associated with them, any language, territory, and character set values
can be mixed and included in a single NLS_LANG parameter. Any
NLS_LANG values, however, must correspond to a fully installed
language. Refer to the section Installing Additional Languages in this
appendix for installation information.
Additional Information:
 See Oracle7 Server Administrator’s
Guide for additional information about the NLS_LANG
parameter and its components.
NLS Initialization Parameters 
National Language Support can also be set by database instance using
several parameters in the initialization parameter file. The NLS
initialization parameters set NLS information specific to a database
session or instance.
Any of the language and territory components listed in the previous
table can be used as values for the NLS_LANGUAGE and
NLS_TERRITORY parameters respectively. Also, any of the territory
values in the section Parameter Lists in this appendix can be used for the
NLS_TERRITORY parameter.
If you wish to set the language for a single Server Manager session,
define NLS_LANGUAGE and NLS_TERRITORY with the command:
where language and territory correspond to values in the next section,
“Parameter Lists”. This changes the language only until you start a new
Server Manager session. For more information on National Language
Support, see Oracle7 Server Administrator’s Guide.