Inetcam Mobile Gateway Draft version 1.7 Manual Do Utilizador

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Draft version 1.7 
Inetcam® and iMViewer™ are the property of Inetcam, Inc. 
•  DDNS Hostname: Enter the hostname for the Mobile Gateway™ video server; the 
default is a random value.  The full name for accessing the Mobile Gateway™ video 
server will be the entered value followed by "" (for example:  
•  Port:  Enter the port number through which the server is accessed; the default is 80, the 
standard web server port.  (This will impact your router or firewall settings.) 
•  iMViewer™  Hostname:  This shows the full text that must be entered in the iMViewer™ 
software in order to access this Mobile Gateway™ video server. 
The Bandwidth Control section controls bandwidth usage limitations. 
•  Limit Bandwidth Usage: Select On/Off to enable/disable bandwidth usage limitations.  
When activated, the Mobile Gateway™ video server will not consume more than a user-
selected bandwidth, independent of the total number of connected viewers.   
•  Maximum Streaming Bandwidth:  Enter the maximum bandwidth to be used making 
sure to select between kilobits (Kbps) and megabits (Mbps).  A table below these fields 
shows the available bandwidth for typical networks. 
• Click 
Apply to update the server settings.  If entries in the Access section have been 
changed, the web browser must be restarted in order to access the Mobile Gateway™ 
video server once again.